Friday, February 28, 2025

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You Will Know Me by My Deeds by Mike Cobb ~ Historical Crime Fiction ~ @partnersincr1me @mgcobb


by Mike Cobb

February 24 - March 21, 2025 Virtual Book Tour

About the Book:

You Will Know Me by My Deeds by Mike Cobb

Billy Tarwater thought he had left the troubled past behind, until a series of ominous incidents threaten to destroy everything he and his wife hold dear.

Someone is out to get them, and he is determined to uncover the truth before it’s too late. But as he delves deeper into the mystery, he realizes that the dark forces at play may be connected to the events of seventeen years ago.

And to the Atlanta Child Murders.

Join him on a heart-pounding journey of suspense and intrigue as he navigates the dangerous waters of his past and fights to protect the ones he loves.

In a race against an unknown enemy, Billy must confront his darkest fears. Will he be able to uncover the truth before it’s too late, or will he and his wife become victims of the sinister forces at play?

Praise for You Will Know Me by My Deeds:

"Mike Cobb’s You Will Know Me by My Deeds is a taut, propulsive tale set against the harrowing backdrop of the 1980’s Atlanta Child Murders. Entertainingly addictive and menacing."
~ Robert Gwaltney, award-winning author of The Cicada Tree and Georgia Author of the Year

"Mike Cobb's Atlanta-based historical fiction easily holds its place on the bookshelf next to Caleb Carr’s Alienist novels."
~ Joey Madia, author of Sherlock Holmes and the Mystery of M and the Stanton Chronicles historical fiction series

"Mike Cobb’s enthralling and meticulously-researched mystery, You Will Know Me by My Deeds, sets a lofty standard for contemporary thrillers. Set in the heart of the ‘new’ south, Cobb’s vividly-wrought tale propels his readers through the tumult of an era and illuminates race relations at a difficult moment in Atlanta’s modern history. Grab this book for a satisfying and uplifting read."
~ Steve Klein, Civil Rights Activist

"I couldn’t put this book down and had to finish it in one sitting! Once again Mike Cobb has crafted a plausible story with strong characters, a sense of place, and rich historical detail regarding a tragic chapter of my beloved Atlanta’s history – the missing and murdered children from 1979 to 1981."
~ Lisa Land Cooper, Author and Historian

"Mike Cobb’s prose is powerful, and his plot is dark, complex and full of surprises. You will find a rich, earthy view of old Atlanta complete with all its beauty, weaknesses and the diverse attitudes of the Old South."
~ Jeff Shaw, author of Who I Am; The Man Behind the Badge and Lieutenant Trufant

"A bracing historical thriller that further enriches this top-notch series."
~ Kirkus Reviews

"This is an excellent book with an engaging mystery and an intriguing conclusion. It’s clear that research is paramount to Mike Cobb’s writing. I could really identify with how he wove true crimes into this fictional one. I look forward to reading more from him."
~ Ed Begley Jr., Award-winning actor, producer, environmental activist, and author of To the Temple of Tranquility…and Step On It!: A Memoir

Watch the You Will Know Me by My Deeds Trailer:

Book Details:

Genre: Historical Crime Fiction
Published by: Waterside Production
Publication Date: January 2025
Number of Pages: 444
ISBN: 978-1962984720
Series: Sequel to The Devil You Knew
Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

Read an Excerpt:

Chapter One

Cynthia Tarwater

Monday, December 14th, 1981

Two blurred headlights, ragged halos in the rearview, broke the Stygian pitch.

Cynthia gripped the steering wheel so hard her knuckles blanched.

The rain cascaded down the windshield in gelid sheets. The wiper blades thwacked the edge of the Suburban’s cowl like a metronome.

For the past twenty-four hours, Atlanta had been beset by a heavy downfall and scant visibility.

She struggled to make out the road ahead.

For the first five minutes of the drive, Billy Jr. and Addie had jabbered away in the back seat like sugar-high Energizer Bunnies. Then they sank into oblivion. Just like that, she thought. Nothing like a weekend sleepover at Grandma Alice’s to wear the kids out.

She stopped at the intersection of Flat Shoals and Glenwood. The barbershop to her left was long gone, a victim of white flight, its plate glass windows boarded up with fly-posted plywood. She could almost hear the snip snip of Mr. Batson’s clippers beckoning from yore. The snap of Sam Jepperson’s shoeshine cloth beseeching a generous tip. The redolence of Bay Rum and Kiwi polish. Not that she ever got her hair cut—or her shoes shined—there. But her father Cecil dragged her along on more than one occasion with the promise that they’d go next door for a vanilla shake if only she’d sit like a “good girl” and watch him get trimmed. She had often wondered whether he did things like that just to piss her off. His way of controlling. Or did he really want her company?

The car that had been following her since she pulled out of Billy’s mother’s driveway lingered half a block behind. When the light changed, she turned left onto Glenwood. She looked in the mirror. The car turned left and kept its distance. Probably nothing.

At the Gresham Avenue intersection, she glanced over at what had been Harry’s Army Surplus. Now, like the barbershop, just another padlocked casualty.

A long-suppressed memory welled up. Saturday, September 28th, 1963. She was thirteen. So capricious and carefree, like most girls her age. She left the East Atlanta Pharmacy by the front door and headed west toward Moreland Avenue. Just past Harry’s, she looked back and saw a car following her. When she stopped, it stopped. When she went, it went.

That had been her last recollection from before the erasure—what she later came to know by its medical name. Localized psychogenic amnesia. For seventeen years, the next thing she had remembered was waking up at Grady Hospital with an officer standing guard outside her door. The nurse had said You’re not Cynthia now. You’re Patti. With an i. Or something to that effect. She would later learn that the police had contrived the alias to protect her from her abductor.

It wasn’t until October a year ago that everything began coming back to Cynthia in a torrent. What had been an eradication of five weeks of her past, leaving in its wake a deep, dark abyss, had begun to come back in a matter of days. This wouldn’t have happened without Billy’s help. And his dogged determination.

Did she welcome the recovered memory? There were times when she wondered whether knowing was better than incognizance. Closure would feel right. But knowledge alone doesn’t bring closure.

And could closure ever come for the families of the girls who didn’t survive? Why had she made it out alive, and the others hadn’t?

She inched her way down Glenwood past Moreland Avenue. At the Boulevard intersection, she glanced across the street at Fire Station No. 10. A half dozen firemen were huddled under the overhang in front of the station. For a moment, she thought she saw Billy’s brother Chester standing there smoking a cigarette and chatting up the others. But Chester hadn’t lasted a year as a fireman before bugging out for the merchant marines, thinking he could avoid the draft. He ended up on the SS Mayaguez ferrying supplies through combat zones in Vietnam. Came home intact but with a chip on his shoulder.

She turned right.

She drove up Boulevard past Memorial Drive, hugging the eastern edge of Oakland Cemetery before assuming a northwesterly course past the shuttered Fulton Cotton Mill and through the railroad underpass.

She looked back. The car continued to follow her. That’s when she realized that it wasn’t nothing.

Perhaps she should have taken the expressway. But she had chosen not to. Visibility was bad enough on the surface roads.

As she neared the intersection with Ponce de Leon, the light turned yellow. She accelerated and took a hard left, hoping the car would stop on red. It didn’t. When she turned right on Peachtree, then left on Fifth, the driver continued to dog her.

Cynthia eased into The Belmont courtyard. The other car stopped briefly at the turn-in then crept down Fifth. She craned her neck, trying to get a good look at it. At the driver. But she could see little through the relentless downpour and the fogged windshield.

She parked the Suburban at The Belmont entrance. She waited for the rain to abate enough for her to get the kids inside without a drenching. Then she hurried them into the lobby under her flimsy throwaway umbrella made for one.

She closed the umbrella and hooked it on her wrist. She held Billy Jr. and Addie’s hands tight, lest they slip on the marble floor.

They crossed the threshold into the elevator cab, leaving a trail of dripping water behind. She punched 4.

When the doors opened, Billy was standing in the fourth-floor vestibule. He was in his light beige mackintosh and floppy yellow rain hat.

“Clairvoyant, are we?” Cynthia said.

“I saw you out the window and was on my way down to help. But you beat me to it.” He placed his hand on her upper arm. “Cynthia, you’re trembling.”

“It’s just the biting cold. I’m fine. I need to get these rug rats out of their wet clothes and into their PJs. And then sit for a while. You can park the car if you don’t mind.”

“Of course I don’t mind. That’s the least I can do.”

She held out the umbrella. “Want this?”

“No thanks.” He knelt in front of Billy Jr. and Addie. “How’s Grandma?”

“Feisty as ever,” Cynthia answered. “She sure knows how to cut a look. But the kids adore her, and that’s what matters most. And compared to my mother…let’s just say you’re the lucky one and leave it at that.”

When Billy returned, Cynthia was already curled up in her favorite overstuffed chair with a glass of Merlot. Her socks and Clarks slip-ons lay pell-mell on the floor about her. The open umbrella stood atilt in the corner of the room.

“That was quick,” he said.

She took a sip. Notes of black cherry, of vanilla and sandalwood, teased her throat. “I’m sure the kids are deep into sugar-plum dreams by now. Grab a pour and join me. There’s something you need to know.”

Billy, glass in hand, plopped into the chair beside her. “What is it?”

“I need to tell you about a flashback I had. And about a car.”

He listened as Cynthia told him about the car that had followed her from his mother’s house. “Could you tell what kind it was?” he asked.

“I couldn’t tell a thing, Billy.” She ran her finger along the chair’s piping, tracing in her mind the path she had taken. “All I know is it looked big. Maybe a sedan.”

“I don’t think you should be out late at night by yourself, Cynthia. It seems like every day more shit happens. Carjackings. Murders.”

“At least Wayne Williams is locked up.” She searched her thoughts. “Those poor children. And their grieving families.”

Billy’s hesitation baffled her. He just sat there for a minute without saying a word. He finally spoke. “Tell me about the flashback.”

“The whole thing with the kidnapping came rushing back tonight. It hit me hard, just as I passed the old army surplus. I guess it was my being right there where my thirteen-year-old self had been lured away.” She held her glass in the air. “More, please.”

He refilled it and topped his off. He set the bottle on the side table, leaned over, and took her hand. “I’m so sorry, Cynthia.”

“It wasn’t what I expected. I thought I had finally put it all behind me, with Kilgallon…excuse me, the Reverend Kilgallon…dead and Sam Jepperson exonerated and freed. But now I’m not so certain. Maybe it’ll haunt me forever.”

“I hope not. I just wish there was something I could do to make things better.”

“I’ll be okay.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure. Life goes on, doesn’t it? And I don’t believe I have a choice in the matter.”


Excerpt from You Will Know Me by My Deeds by Mike Cobb. Copyright 2025 by Mike Cobb. Reproduced with permission from Mike Cobb. All rights reserved.



Meet the Author:

Mike Cobb

Mike’s body of literary work includes both fiction and nonfiction, short-form and long-form, as well as articles and blogs. He is the author of three published novels, Dead Beckoning, The Devil You Knew, and its sequel You Will Know Me by My Deeds. His fourth novel, Muzzle the Black Dog, a novella, is scheduled for release in May 2025. He is also working on Kathleen, a fictionalized account of a cold case murder from 1970.

While he is comfortable playing across a broad range of topics, much of his focus is on true crime, crime fiction, and historical fiction. Rigorous research is foundational to his writing. He gets that honestly, having spent much of his professional career as a scientist.

A native of Atlanta, Mike splits his time between Midtown Atlanta and Blue Ridge, Georgia.

Catch Up With Mike Cobb:
Amazon Author Profile
BookBub - @cobbmg1
Instagram - @cobbmg
YouTube - @mikecobbwriter
X - @mgcobb
Facebook - @MGCobbWriter
LinkedIn - @mgcobb



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Book Tour Schedule ~ Beverlee Beaz meets Lowree Louise, the Blue Burmese by Regan W. H. Macaulay ~ Children's Picture Book, Fantasy, Adventure ~ @mirrorworldpub @ReganWHMacaulay

Mirror World Publishing and Sapphyria's Book Promotions present the 1-week book tour for Beverlee Beaz meets Lowree Louise, the Blue Burmese by Regan W. H. Macaulay

About Beverlee Beaz meets Lowree Louise, the Blue Burmese:

Beverlee Beaz, the brown Burmese, longs to share her creative adventures with someone special. When she meets her new sister, Lowree Louise, the blue Burmese, she knows she has found a true friend with whom to play imagination games…if only she can teach the little kitty how.

Join Beverlee in her latest tale as she mentors her sister in the ways of imagination.

Genres: Children's Picture Book, Fantasy, Adventure
Page count: 53 pages

Tour Schedule:

March 1

Mirror World Publishing - Spotlight

March 4

The Writer's Life - Spotlight

Reviews by Saph - Review

March 5

sapphyrias.books - Exclusive Excerpt

Sapphyria - Spotlight

March 6

Girl with Pen - Spotlight

Sapphyria - Spotlight

March 7

Teatime and Books - Spotlight

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

#BookReview ~ Summer Secrets at Duck Pond Cottage by Della Galton ~ @DellaGalton @rararesources @BoldwoodBooks

Summer Secrets at Duck Pond Cottage

About the Book:

Can love conquer all?

Jade and Finn are idyllically happy in their little corner of rural Wiltshire. A rescue centre jampacked with animals keeps them super busy. With Finn’s art going from strength to strength, Jade can’t believe they’re living the dream until an arrogant property developer with questionable motives jeopardises their perfect lives and the future plans of the rescue centre.

Jade and Finn both have trust issues and they’ve promised there’ll be no more secrets. But keeping promises is harder than either of them imagined, especially where Finn’s past is concerned.

Living with Mr Spock the potty-mouthed parrot and Mickey the dog who barks at TV baddies there's never a dull moment at Duck Pond Rescue. But will the humans get their ‘happy-ever-after’ too?
Can they lay the ghosts of the past to rest and find a bright new future together?

My Review:

Summer Secrets at Duck Pond Cottage is the sweet and heartwarming second book in the Duck Pond Cottage series. I have not read the first book but will be going back to do so. 

I loved meeting Jade, Finn, and the animals in the rescue centre. As a huge supporter of local animal shelters in my area, I can appreciate the struggles these characters face. There are always challenges each organization faces including financial, space, volume of animals, unsupportive and almost combative public citizens, and lack of reliable volunteers. Not-for-profit animal shelters rely on volunteers to help bridge the gap because of the sheer volume of unwanted, stray, and/or reproducing animals. Add an unscrupulous develop to the mix and Jade and Finn see their perfect slice of animal heaven being heavily targeted.

The author did a great job creating this world, setting it up, and developing the characters. There are some sinister goings-on that pull both Jade and Finn in several directions. Plus, there are things in Finn's past that makes it hard for Jade and Finn to keep their promise of no secrets. I had fun reading about strong women, supportive but damaged partners, and silly animals.

I was provided with a copy of this book. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

My Rating:

Purchase Link:


Meet the Author:

Della Galton writes short stories, teaches writing groups and is Agony Aunt for Writers Forum Magazine.

Social Media Links:

Facebook: @dailydella

Twitter: @DellaGalton

Instagram: @dellagalton

Newsletter Sign Up:

Bookbub profile: @dellagalton

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Tuesday, February 25, 2025

#BookReview ~ Riches and Romance: A Billionaire Romance Collection, a steamy romance collection, part of the 1001 Dark Nights Trope Collection from New York Times & USA Today bestselling authors Dylan Allen, Kendall Ryan, Lexi Blake and Melissa Foster

Wealth, power, and undeniable passion.

Riches and Romance: A Billionaire Romance Collection, a steamy romance collection, part of the 1001 Dark Nights Trope Collection from New York Times & USA Today bestselling authors Dylan Allen, Kendall Ryan, Lexi Blake and Melissa Foster, is available now!


Wealth, power, and undeniable passion. In Riches and Romance, meet billionaires who have it all—except love. These high-stakes, sizzling romances will take you from boardrooms to lavish mansions as love tangles with ambition. Featuring powerful men and strong women, this collection will show you that when it comes to love, money can't buy everything.

Includes the following stories:

The Mastermind by Dylan Allen
Hunky Heartbreaker by Kendall Ryan
Charmed by Lexi Blake
Daring Her Love by Melissa Foster


Grab your copy today!

Read FREE with Kindle Unlimited

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Keep reading for a look inside Riches and Romance: A Billionaire Romance Collection!

The Mastermind

I fucking love chocolate sauce,” he says in a low, quiet voice. I look up and find his eyes fixed on the tip of my finger.
My heart is beating a wild timpani that’s too fast to be healthy, but I attempt a breezy smile and casual tone when I catch enough breath to speak. “Oh, well, next time you’re here, I’ll have you in to try some. It’s Tesco’s brand but really⁠—”
“Can I try it right now?” he asks.
“You mean…” I look at my finger. “You want this?”
“Yes. Please.”
I hold my finger out to him, and he leans forward, grabs my wrist, and sucks my finger into his mouth.
I gasp at the hot rasp of his tongue as he twirls it around my finger, and his eyes flick up to meet mine. And if the naked heat in them hadn’t nearly given me an arrhythmia, the sensation of his lips closing over it and sucking would certainly have.

Hunky Heartbreaker

I pulled up behind them on the shoulder, my headlights flooding the backseat. The rain was pouring harder than ever, but at that point, I didn’t care. I had to see her, had to talk to her, had to let her know how I felt.
I climbed out of my truck and jogged the few short yards between our cars, yanking the backseat door open and tumbling in. Valentina cursed loudly in Spanish, turning and looking like she was ready to smack me all the way to next Tuesday.
Somehow, I even loved that. She was feisty as hell, and it only made me smile.
“Relax, baby. It’s Duke,” I said, raising my hands in surrender.


“Don’t be so coy, baby,” a masculine voice said. “Nina here is far more than my girlfriend. She’s my fiancée. I know we didn’t want to tell anyone until we could have a party, but after what happened with Dad last night, I don’t think we can wait.”
She turned and JT walked in like the fact that a good portion of his office was standing in his suite didn’t bother him at all.
What had he said? Fiancée? Oh, god, she’d just become a fake fiancée to a billionaire.
And now everyone would know. Including her boss.
The night before had been good sex, but this was what it meant to be truly fucked.

Daring Her Love

Eric slid his leg between hers, brushing her inner thigh and causing her dress to inch up, which he followed with his very large, very hot hand. Deliciously lewd thoughts simmered inside her, coalescing with heat prickling her in all the best places.

He leaned in so close she could see sparks of lust in his eyes. “Darlin’, I’ll bite, nip, suck, lick, and anything else your gorgeous body desires. I’ll turn you on in ways you never knew possible.” He hovered there, his cheek a fraction of an inch from hers, his warm breath caressing her ear, and his searing heat seeping into her skin.
Kat. Couldn’t. Breathe.

My Review:

Riches and Romance is a wonderful billionaire romance collection of 4 novellas by 4 amazing authors. I love all of the stories. They are well-written, engaging, and romantic.

I really enjoyed Daring Her Love. Kat and Eric's story is super steamy and full of fun. I love their instant connection and how they continue to be drawn together. This novella takes place in the world of The Bradens, another of Melissa Foster's amazing romance series.
I was provided with a copy of this book. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

For more information about Dylan Allen, visit:

For more information about Kendall Ryan, visit:

For more information about Lexi Blake, visit:

For more information about Melissa Foster, visit:

For more information about 1001 Dark Nights, visit:

#BookReview ~ Mr. Swoony by Piper Rayne ~ #mrswoony #thenest #piperrayne #hockeyromance #sportsromance #valentineprlm @valentine_pr_


Mr. Swoony by Piper Rayne is now live!

About the Book:

Hockey players were never my type.

At least, that’s what I thought—until I met Conor Nilsen. In truth, I didn’t know he was the goalie for the Chicago Falcons when he struck up a conversation the night of my bachelorette party.

He proved he wasn’t just some hot guy looking to score when he helped me get my drunk bridesmaid safely back to our hotel. That’s when he discovered my 30-before-30 bucket list—a list I hadn’t managed to check a single item off.

What was meant to be a night of stargazing turned into so much more. The chemistry between us was undeniable, and after one innocent night together, I started to question everything—especially my upcoming wedding to a man I wasn’t sure loved me.

Fast forward to my wedding day, and just as I’m standing at the altar, Conor bursts through the church doors to object. And now, somehow, I’m his roommate. Yikes.

My Review:

Mr. Swoony is the third book in The Nest series by Piper Rayne. This story features Eloise and Connor. After that ending in Mr. Broody, I devoured Mr. Swoony. Sometimes a brief meet-cute is all it takes to put life into perspective. Eloise’s personality as a people-pleaser leads her down the aisle toward a marriage she’s questioned for longer than she’s known Connor. She’s not the only one with doubts but it’s Connor’s objection at her wedding that sparks her into action. Little did she know she’d not only be walking out of her betrothal to Tristan and right into Connor’s apartment. 

Eloise and Connor’s story is amazing! Their chemistry is off the charts from the second they meet at Eloise’s bachelorette party. Connor makes Eloise feel things she doesn’t get from Tristan. This book is sweet, spicy, romantic, heartwarming, and emotionally rich. 

I loved everything about the story, the characters, the setting, and the romance. I love how the authors created this world. The story flows well, pulls you in, and keeps you engaged. The writing style and story took my breath away.

 I was provided with a copy of this book. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

My Rating:

Audio Full Cast Narration by: Connor Crais, Luci Christian Bell, Sean Masters, JF Harding, Troy Duran, Teddy Hamilton, & CJ Bloom

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Monday, February 24, 2025

Saturday, February 22, 2025

#BookReview ~ The Forever Home: (Little Duck Pond Café, Book 38) by Rosie Green ~ @Rosie_Green88 @rararesources

The Forever Home

About the Book:

What happens when a romantic Victorian pile that was meant to be your 'forever home' turns out to be a disaster in disguise? One Little Duck Pond Café pair are about to find out. Could the fall-out wreck their relationship? One thing's for sure – it will take nothing short of a miracle to turn this turkey into the house of their dreams . . .

My Review:

The Forever Home is the 38th book in the Little Duck Pond Café. I loved The Forever Home so much. I can't believe this is only my second foray into the Little Duck Pond Café world. These stories are amazing. 

I loved Ellie and Zak's story. While Zak is dealing with some writer's block, he spends time away from Sunnybrook. Ellie, in the meantime, is working with a contactor to make some improvements to the new home this cute couple has just purchased. When a new face pops into town Ellie takes Rhona under her wing.  

I really enjoyed being back in Sunnybrook. The characters are delightful and the setting is wonderfully crafted. Ellie is a great character, filled with passion for her new home, upcoming birth of her and Zak's baby. Rhona is also great and, while her past is filled with heartbreak and impossible decisions, I loved watching her blossom as she starts the next chapter of her life in Sunnybrook. 

Not everything in Sunnyvale is perfect, though. The Forever Home is filled with drama and secrets. Rhona's past threatens to catch up with her and Zak's secrets threaten to crumble Ellie's world. The book is also filled with love, compassion, best of all - family. 

The Forever Home is a fantastic novel. The author has crafted a wonderful world. I enjoyed the writing style, pacing, and vivid imagery. The characters are written with depth, emotion, and realism.

I was provided with a copy of this book. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. 

My Rating:

Purchase Links:

Amazon US

Amazon UK

This post contains affiliate links.
If you make a purchase using my links, I will receive a small commission from the sale at no cost to you.
Thank you for supporting Sapphyria’s Books.

Meet the Author:

Rosie Green burst onto the writing scene at the age of nine, anonymously penning a weekly magazine for her five-year-old brother (mysteriously titled the 'Willy' comic) and fooling him completely by posting it through the letterbox every Thursday.

Rosie's continuing love of writing saw her study English at Dundee University and spend her twenties working on various teenage magazines, including Jackie and Blue Jeans, and meeting pop stars. Then she got serious and worked as a newspaper sub-editor at the Dundee Courier before moving to Surrey and setting up an organic veg box delivery business.

These days, she lives with her family in the beautiful county of Northumberland and has finally realised a life-long dream of becoming a published author. She currently writes the Little Duck Pond Cafe series of novellas, which is centred around life in a village cafe. Each book can be read as a stand-alone story.

Rosie has also written traditionally-published books under the name Catherine Ferguson.

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Friday, February 21, 2025

#BookReview ~ Candle With Care: A Magic Candle Shop Mystery by Valona Jones ~ Paranormal Cozy Mystery

Candle With Care: A Magic Candle Shop Mystery by Valona Jones

About Candle With Care:


Candle With Care: A Magic Candle Shop Mystery 

Paranormal Cozy Mystery 

4th in Series Setting - Georgia

Publisher: Muddle House (February 11, 2025)

Print length: ‎ 290 pages

Digital ASIN: ‎ B0DT2GB9BD

goodreads badge

Amateur sleuth and candle maker Tabby Winslow and her twin sister, Sage, are finally making a go of The Book and Candle Shop. It seems like the only heat they’ll feel this June is from the strong sunshine in Savannah, Georgia. Then their acquaintance Detective Sharmila Belfor is gravely injured in a vehicular assault and is in a coma. Cops turn the city upside down searching for the offender, keying in on the detective’s boyfriend Herbert R Ellis, her felon cousin, and her case files. Fearing the police are looking at the wrong people, Herbert begs Tabby to investigate. He knows what most don’t, that Tabby has psychic abilities that allow her to home in on emotions and motives. Since he’s a lifelong friend of Dr. Quig Quigsly, Tabby’s fiancé, she agrees. But before she finds answers, Sage’s former coworker is murdered, and her twin pleads with Tabby to find the killer. With dead ends at every turn, Tabby fears the city’s troubles are paranormal in origin. By investigating the crimes, she risks exposure of the way her family manipulates energy and uses other psychic talents. Keeping a low profile is essential. Meanwhile, Quig’s parents are throwing them a black-tie engagement party in two weeks, and Tabby is burning the candle at both ends. Can Tabby end the crime wave and protect her loved ones before she is quenched?  

My Review:

Candle with Care is the fourth wonderful book in the Magic Candle Shop Mysteries. Tabby and Sage are running The Book and Candle Shop. Sage is also running a farmer's market type event in front of their store to sell plants. "Sage of Plants" has been a huge hit. Amid their success though, is a town fraught with danger. One of their detectives is a assaulted in a what appears to be attempted vehicular homicide and a dear friend of Sage's is murdered. 

I love the characters in this series. I enjoyed both Tabby and Sage, as well as Quiq, along with the rest of the characters. The story was enjoyable, and the cover and the blurb got me onboard. The story, fun characters, and mystery kept me engaged. The murder mystery was twisted, well-thought out, and complex. This series is amazing .

I was provided with a copy of this book. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

My Rating:

About Valona Jones:

Valona Jones, aka Maggie Toussaint, writes paranormal cozies set in coastal Georgia. Her latest release, CANDLE WITH CARE, book 4 in the A Magic Candle Shop Mysteries, came out on February 11. 2025. Under the name of Maggie Toussaint, she also publishes cozy mysteries and romantic suspense. Her pen name for a three-book science fiction ecothriller is Rigel Carson. In total, she has published 29 works of fiction and won multiple awards. She lives in coastal Georgia, where time and tide wait for no one. Visit her sites: and

Author Links:

Purchase Links: Amazon Kindle - Apple - Kobo 


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Thursday, February 20, 2025

The Case of the Christie Conspiracy: A Detection Club Mystery by Kelly Oliver ~ Historical Cozy Mystery @kellyoliverbook


The Case of the Christie Conspiracy: A Detection Club Mystery by Kelly Oliver

About The Case of the Christie Conspiracy:


The Case of the Christie Conspiracy: A Detection Club Mystery

Historical Cozy Mystery

1st in Series

Setting - London, England

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Boldwood Books (February 16, 2025)

Paperback ‏ : ‎ 264 pages

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1836175469

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1836175469

Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0DFXWPCFP

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Agatha Christie is about to embark on a new, gripping murder case. But this time, she’s not the author – she’s a suspect…

1926 – Christie is a darling of the literary circuit and the most desired guest in London’s glittering social scene. She can often be found at meetings of the Detection Club – where mystery writers come together to share ideas, swap secrets and drink copiously. But then a fellow author's initiation ceremony takes a gruesome turn, and one of the group ends up dead. Now, Agatha is no longer just the creator of great mystery plots – she’s a player in one.

And when Agatha disappears the day after the murder, she’s widely assumed to be guilty. Only Eliza Baker, assistant to the Club’s enigmatic secretary, Dorothy Sayers, is interested in investigating the case. But in a world where murder is the ultimate plot device, can Eliza piece together the evidence and find the killer before it’s too late?

About Kelly Oliver:

Kelly Oliver is the award-winning and bestselling author of four mystery series: The Jessica James Mysteries (7-book contemporary suspense); The Pet Detective Mysteries (3-book middle grade); The Fiona Figg Mysteries (9-book historical cozies).

The Case of the Christie Conspiracy, the first in her new series The Detection Club Mysteries just came out (February 2025). Kelly is Distinguished Emerita Professor of Philosophy at Vanderbilt University. And currently, she is the Immediate Past President of Sisters in Crime. To learn more about Kelly and her books, go to

Author Links:

Twitter/X @kellyoliverbook 
Instagram @kellyoliverbooks

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February 17 – Jody's Bookish Haven – SPOTLIGHT
February 18 – The Mystery of Writing – AUTHOR GUEST POST
February 19 – Frugal Freelancer – CHARACTER INTERVIEW
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February 20 – Sapphyria's Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
February 21 – Maureen's Musings – SPOTLIGHT
February 21 – View from the Birdhouse – REVIEW
February 22 – Deal Sharing Aunt – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
February 22 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – SPOTLIGHT
February 23 – CelticLady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
February 24 – Socrates Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
February 25 – Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW, AUTHOR INTERVIEW
February 26 – Christy's Cozy Corners – CHARACTER GUEST POST
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February 27 – Baroness Book Trove – SPOTLIGHT
February 27 – Novels Alive – REVIEW
February 28 – Books, Ramblings, and Tea – SPOTLIGHT
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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

#BookReview ~ Hook, Line and Single by Phoebe MacLeod ~ #Romance ~ @macleod_phoebe @rararesources @BoldwoodBooks


Hook, Line and Single

About the Book:

Ruby may be young, free and single… but she’s absolutely not ready to mingle.

Ruby is happily sworn off men. There’s nothing she needs that can’t get from her friends, cat or, frankly, the wonders of modern technology. So when her flatmate tricks her into going on a singles cruise, she’s furious.

Thankfully, Ruby isn’t the only one onboard under false pretences. Cameron also had no idea what he was letting himself in for. So after Ruby and Cameron strike up conversation, they agree to platonically pair off, to protect each other from the flirtatious advances of the other guests – not to mention the matchmaking efforts of Barry, the enthusiastic host.

There’s just one problem. Cameron isn’t just in the same boat as Ruby – he’s also good looking, kind and fun. As they explore the picturesque towns of the Mediterranean, Ruby finds herself enjoying his company much more than she’d intended.

Can Ruby keep her heart safe, or will she be in too deep by the time the boat docks at its final destination?

My Review:

Hook, Line, and Single is a fun story that primarily takes place on a cruise ship. Happily single, Ruby doesn't require a man to keep her happy. She has a wonderful, full life with plenty of friends and family, and, of course, her cat. When her bestie, Sam, who is fresh off of a break up, suggests going on holiday - a cruise, no less, Ruby quickly finds herself sailing away. Before she can so much as change her mind and exit the ship before embarking, Ruby discovers Sam has conned her into taking a singles cruise. Furious, Ruby ditches Sam during one of the singles night embarkation events to attend the sail away party solo - and gets more than she bargained for. 

Back in the singles event location, Ruby meets Cameron, who was also unaware of the type of cruise he was really signing up for until it was too late to back out. They decide to pair up as friends only, and spend the majority of the cruise together. Their shenanigans, hijinks, and unfortunate turns-of-events draw them closer together, much to Ruby's dismay. 

Hook, Line and Single has a pretty slow start. Sam dominates with her break up and poor judgement. Ruby definitely has more patience for her friend Sam than I would in these same scenarios. Sam isn't unlikeable, she's just someone that I probably wouldn't call my bestie. She does some pretty undesirable things in the book. Things really get good though after Ruby and Sam embark and begin their cruise. 

I must say, though, the author wrote Sam's character pretty well. Ruby and Cameron are also very well-written. The other characters brought to life in Hook, Line and Single are also crafted well. I loved Ruby and Cameron together. Their friendship and slow burn romance hit some snags but ultimately, their story is enjoyable. The ending is a little rushed and could have been smoothed out a little bit if there wasn't so much drama surrounding Sam. Sam's obliviousness and self-absorbing personality took up precious Ruby and Cameron time. 

I was provided with a copy of this book. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

My Rating:

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Meet the Author:

Phoebe MacLeod is the author of several popular laugh-out-loud romantic comedies. She mainly sets her books in her home county of Kent and her first new title for Boldwood will be published in November 2022.

Social Media Links:

Facebook: @PhoebeMacLeodAuthor

Twitter: @macleod_phoebe

Instagram: @phoebemacleod21

Newsletter Sign Up:

Bookbub profile: @phoebemacleod

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