Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Newton’s First by Stephanie Burke and Areana Senoj ~ @Flashycat @AreanaSFemlycan @RABTBookTours #RABTBookTours #NewtonsFirst #StephanieBurke #AreanaSenoj #Cyberpunk #SciFi

A Cyberpunk Novel

Motherboards & Magic, Book 1


Newton’s First 

by Stephanie Burke 


Areana Senoj

Cyberpunk / Science Fiction

Date Published: August 2, 2024


Newton’s First Law: An object in motion remains in motion. Until an outside force screws it all up.

As a grieving child in a burned-out husk of a body, Asher Syphamus was given an impersonal room within the Company’s cold labs -- until he was offered a second chance with illegal and painful cybernetic augmentations. Now, after many decades of martial arts training and mental conditioning, Ash is the all powerful DPL’s top agent and never misses a target. Along with his beautiful, hyper-sexed purple partner, Vers, the unstoppable duo hunts down the most dangerous hackers and criminals for punishment or elimination.

Korya Funo is full of privileged DPL information downloaded into her brain. If caught, she would be deleted from the census. That keeps her running -- until her luck runs out in Paradise, Nevada. When she’s captured by Ash and Vers, Korya accidentally reveals the truth about Asher’s parents’ deaths, and then all hell breaks loose.

Now with all their lives on the line and the fate of the planet riding on their backs, they trio will show the world why Newton’s First Law is not to be screwed with.


Read an Excerpt:

Copyright ©2024 Stephanie Burke & Areana Senoj

“Fuck, Vers. Where are you?” Asher Syphamus muttered softly, knowing the cochlear implant installed just above his jaw bone and below his ear would pick up his words.

The wind whipped back the few tendrils of hair that escaped the tight bun containing his long hair. The bun hid locks tipped a rich blue almost matching the color of his cybernetic left eye.

As he walked away from the Virt Dive, the virtual reality diving bar where his mark had been lost earlier in the Blue, he wondered why people even bothered to hide from real life. The fucking Blue was where everyone logged in, turned on, and turned up in cyberspace. The Blue was a whole world inside the actual world, one that many used to escape life, spread joy, disappear into a sea of information, of education… to be your avatar while you fled your body and got lost in a way that only total computer immersion could bring. And above the Blue was the White.

The White was a shady, dangerous place where only the most experienced divers dared to venture -- the environment was just too dangerous for a diver used to only dealing with the Blue. The White was physically a small blank plane existing between the connection of the Blue and the person putting out information. Here, the world’s best hackers snatched dangerous information from accidental info dumps from those who purposefully stole and sold the data to the highest bidder. No matter how many protocols were put in place to protect the vulnerable space, the White divers always found a way in. And his latest ping had come from the mark he’d finally tracked down to this dive.

He felt the signal he was tracking start to move again and watched as his target slipped out, looking over her shoulder as if she knew he was there and following her. As he walked past the large, mirrored wall to the shop, he caught a quick glimpse of himself as he passed. His face was pale, creamy tan, the same as his mother’s. He had her eyes too, large but with an epicanthic fold that proclaimed his Asian ancestry. His eyebrows had some thickness but with a natural arch that made his eyes rather pretty. He had his African father’s full lips, though not the same concentration of melanin, more’s the pity. He could use more sun protection in this bright-assed desert. His nose was broad though, its bridge straight as a knife, and his cheekbones were high and sharp, like his dad’s. His thick, wavy hair was kept long and confined now so it wouldn’t get in his way.

Though he only caught a glimpse of himself as he followed after his mark, he could barely stand to look at his reflection. He was a damn near perfect combination of both his parents from what he could recall, though he didn’t dwell on that much. The pain of it all was still too crushing.

The air circulating through his lungs was quiet as he pulled in his emotions. Barely a sound emerged from his body as his booted feet slammed down on the concrete when his body lurched forward. His little trip into nostalgia had given his mark time to run and now he had to give chase.

His heart would be racing if it actually had the capacity to pump hot blood through his veins. His target was pulling a jackrabbit, dodging in between early morning foot traffic on the busy city street as she looked around her, prey knowing she was being stalked by an apex predator. Only the bright and very visible green of her plaits kept him from moving any faster. No matter how much he wanted to knock people aside to reach his target, he knew that drawing more attention to himself would be detrimental to their mission.

“I’ve been at this since the ass crack of dawn and I would really like to get some accurate intel from you, you one-being orgy.”

Don’t get cheeky, Vers responded. You’re just upset you don’t get laid.

Vers’ answer through Asher’s implanted microphone sounded more amused than insulted. That wasn’t what Asher had hoped for. When Vers was annoyed, his work efficiency increased by almost three percent and he could use some of that efficiency now, at least until he caught up with the woman who pinged on his internal sensors.

“Hmph,” Asher huffed. “Can you keep your mind out of your pants and on the job? I need to know if she’s the one.”

The green-haired woman in question cast one more furtive look over her shoulder before trying to hide herself in a gaggle of schoolchildren, all racing and gleefully dodging through the streets teeming with people traveling to get to their jobs and appointments in the watery light of a new sun. With their connection pads in hand, the tourist masses were an explosion of color, a flock of bright, chattering birds that raced through the smiling crowds. Their laughter was contagious, and it made Asher grit his teeth. In a firefight, mundanes always seemed to run right in the path of danger. He wished they would all just disappear.

I’m working on it. Give me a mo. Paradaise has a complicated network of --

“You just don’t know what the fuck you’re doing.” Asher managed to dodge several children, keeping one eye on the green of his mark’s hair as she ducked around a corner. He was closing in.

He moved faster, desperate not to lose her or give his position away. She couldn’t know if he was actually chasing her and he wanted to stay in that pocket of the unknown. She might sense someone or something was hot on her tail, but she had no idea from which direction the attack would come. And it wasn’t like there were a lot of places to hide in Paradaise, Nevada.

And then he wanted to smack himself stupid for thinking that a woman who could possibly be the government hacker he was sent out to find wouldn’t be wily enough to actually give him the slip. Underestimation was going to cost him dearly because the moment he turned the corner, he lost sight of her in a sea of green, low-flying kites.

Hey buddy, guess what? Did you know there’s a butterfly kite flying festival today? There’s gonna be a lot of kids and old people so maybe you wanna keep an eye out for that.

“Gee, thanks, Vers. You couldn’t fucking tell me that five minutes earlier?” As he spoke, he heard a cheer, and a wall of sound rushed past him as the hum of several hundred robotic and some basic silk cloth kites took to the sky. People looked up in awe as dancing holograms of colorful transparent butterflies took to the sky, spinning and dancing as safe holographic fireworks exploded over them.

Well, it’s a point of historical interest, as they’ve been having the butterfly festival for over a hundred years. Get some culture, you asshole. You need it more than you need to get laid.

“What I need is a way around this mess.” Asher looked around at the mass of people, made up mostly of children and old people gathered in groups, each holding massive butterfly kites of their own. Some held remotes that controlled the flight of the butterfly kites, both real and illusory. Most of them, unfortunately, glittered and glowed the same primarily green color that matched his mark’s hair.

Pinging your location, Vers purred in his ear after a moment of quiet while more and more people filed onto the special moving sidewalk heading toward the restored MGM Grand, singing and chanting as they moved. Oh! You aren’t far from the New Bellagio. One of these days I’m going to get you there for a real upgrade instead of the crap the powers that be keep sending you to.

“Vers --”

I mean it. You’re in a town right outside of Vegas, baby! Almost to the cybernetic playground of the whole entire continent ever since the redesign of the area. To get anything better you’d have to hop a streaker across the Pacific to Japan. It’s amazing what they can do with both artistry and circuitry.

“Whatever the fuck,” Asher grumbled, casting his gaze around. He ignored the small vibration in his brain as the ocular implant adjusted and repositioned, sending his mind a feed of information calculating the height of the buildings and the large vehicles passing by.

Turning to a small three-story building to his right, Asher took three fast, bounding steps then flexed his leg muscles. With a mechanical whisper, he launched himself skywards, a blurred silver flash through the backdrop of colorful fluttering kites, before he landed on the flat solar tiles of the roof.

Bent over, he raced along the edges of the closely placed buildings, jumping the odd ones that bordered on alleys, leaping up to the higher ones, his eyes constantly searching, feeding him data so he could adjust his flight.

He was contemplating going back to the ground and following her along the crowded streets when he saw a blur of green headed away from the celebration and toward a small, dark street that led away from the sound of laughter and merriment.

There, in between a closed toy shop on one side and ironically, an adult toy shop, was where his prey was fleeing.

To the left, Casanova, Vers confirmed softly with the just the right amount of sarcasm for the nickname. And you better move swiftly. She’s about to head to a parking lot and if she has her vehicle shielded, well, we are shit out of luck, Ash. If she gets away, you’d be better off hitting a pleasure palace and getting your freak on ‘cause that signal is going to be scattered and lost. And I urge you to take advantage of the many wonderful and erotic amenities that this run-down trash heap of a city provides. Besides, your cherry needs plucking ‘cause that bitch is overripe.


About the Authors:

Stephanie Burke is a USA Today Best Selling, multi published, multi award-winning author, Master Costumer, handicapped, wife and mother of two.

From sex-shifting, shape-shifting dragons to undersea worlds, sexually confused elemental Fey and homo-erotic mysteries, all the way to pastel-challenged urban sprites, Stephanie has done it all, and hopes to do more.

Stephanie is an orator on her favorite subjects of writing and world-building, a sometime teacher when you feed her enough tea and donuts, an anime nut, a costumer, and a frequent guest of various sci-fi and writing cons where she can be found leading panel discussions or researching varied legends and theories to improve her writing skills.

Stephanie is known for her love of the outrageous, strong female characters, believable worlds, male characters filled with depth, and multi-cultural stories that make the reader sit up and take notice. 

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Areana Senoj is a multi-genre writer of erotic romance, paranormal, and sci-fi fantasy fiction. She’s been an actress, singer, dancer, educator, and, briefly, a stay-at-home “tennis, soccer, and band mom,” as well as a small business entrepreneur. Now she’s enjoying a new career living life as a full-time writer. She’s thrilled to join Changeling Press, where she's teamed up with USA Today Best Selling Author Stephanie Burke, co-authoring Motherboards and Magic. 

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Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Cover Reveal ~ Off Edge by Addison Brae ~ @AddisonBrae1 @RABTBookTours #RABTBookTours #OffEdge #AddisonBrae #YoungAdult #YA



Cover by: John Harrell, Harrell Creative

Off Edge by Addison Brae

Young Adult Contemporary

Date Published: 09-26-2024

Publisher: Black Rose Writing


About the Book:

Do you know what it's like to win an Olympic gold, then have it stripped away? I do.

Gold is every figure skater's life dream. At fifteen, I experienced the thrill of wearing the medal for a few minutes until judges accuse me of being too young to be eligible. That's when I realize my father's ultimate lie could cost more than my title.

During our daring escape from Russia, I pressure my coach to tell the truth about my adoption. But the quad combination and two world titles aren't enough to keep the scandal from erasing my career and identity. Disgraced, disqualified, and devastated, I can't face a rink, fans, or daily life. My controlling dad's betrayal lights a fire to break free from his bad decisions. My best friend and a journalist who will tell my story step in to stop the downward spiral and help me uncover my past.

The story of Docia's fierce determination to discover her true identity, unerase her career, and find the passion to skate again will engage teen readers, figure skating fans, and anyone who's ever experience betrayal from someone close.

About the Author:

Addison Brae lives in Dallas, Texas on the edge of downtown. As a child, she was constantly in trouble for hiding under the bed to read when she was supposed to be napping. She has been writing since childhood starting with diaries, letters, and short stories. She now writes new adult and adult speculative and romantic suspense, and young adult contemporary fiction. Addison’s still addicted to reading and enjoys jogging in her neighborhood park, binge-watching TV series, vintage clothing, and hanging out with her artistic other half and their geriatric kitten Lucy.


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Release Blitz ~ A Vengeful King Rises by Sophie Barnes ~ @BarnesSophie @RABTBookTours #RABTBookTours #AVengefulKingRises #SophieBarnes #Mystery ~ThereIsAGive@way

House of Croft, Book One


A Vengeful King Rises 

by Sophie Barnes

Mystery, Romance

Date Published: July 30th, 2024



About the Book:

The only thing more lethal than his need for revenge, is the woman who's tasked with bringing him down.

Adrian Croft dreams of quitting the shady business he stands to inherit, of settling down, and of raising a family free from a life of crime. But when tragedy strikes, this fanciful dream is destroyed. All he wants now is revenge. His anger, however, threatens to cloud his judgment, making it harder for him to recognize danger when it approaches in the form of a beautiful woman.

Trained for covert operations as part of a secret government program, Samantha Carmichael's mission is to give British law enforcement a reason to prosecute the most powerful man in the country. But when common sense and duty begin to blur, can she remain steadfast in her goal, or will her loyalties shift as she gradually loses her heart to the one man she cannot afford to love?

-One series, one couple, and the brutal challenges they must face- 

If you like What Angels Fear, Silent in the Grave, and Murder on Black Swan Lake, you’ll devour Sophie Barnes’ thrilling new series.

About the Author:

USA TODAY bestselling author Sophie Barnes writes historical romance novels in which the characters break away from social expectations in their quest for happiness and love. Having written for Avon, an imprint of Harper Collins, her books have been published internationally in eight languages. With a fondness for travel, Sophie has lived in six countries, on three continents, and speaks English, Danish, French, Spanish, and Romanian with varying degrees of fluency. Ever the romantic, she married the same man three times—in three different countries and in three different dresses.

When she’s not busy dreaming up her next swoon worthy romance novel, Sophie enjoys spending time with her family, practicing yoga, baking, gardening, watching romantic comedies and, of course, reading.

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Preorder Blitz ~ Exiles by L.J. Ambrosio ~ @authorlambrosio @RABTBookTours #RABTBookTours #Exiles #LJAmbrosio #Fiction #UF #RomCom

Exiles by L.J. Ambrosio


Date Published: May 2024

Publisher: Film Valor


About the Book:

In this final chapter, Ron's story concludes from Reflections on the Boulevard (2023). Michael's wish was for Ron to exile himself in the heart of Paris with its beautiful culture and citizens as they protest and fight for the soul of the city. Ron's journey is met with life-affirming friendships and lessons along the way. The final book in the Reflections of Michael Trilogy, which started with A Reservoir Man (2022)

About the Author:

Louis J. Ambrosio ran one of the most nurturing bi-coastal talent agencies in Los Angeles and New York. He started his career as a theatrical producer, running two major regional theaters for eight seasons. Ambrosio taught at 7 Universities. Ambrosio also distinguished himself as an award-winning film producer and novelist over the course of his impressive career.


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Monday, July 29, 2024

The Darkest Chase by Nicole Snow ~ Contemporary, Romance ~ @NicoleSnowBooks #GrumpySunshine #Romance

The Darkest Chase
Nicole Snow
Publication date: July 20th 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

Two complete opposites fall into a heart-ripping fairy tale in this scorching hot small-town grumpy sunshine romance by Wall Street Journal bestselling author Nicole Snow.

Life is just full of crazy surprises with teeth.
One day you’re the forever single wallflower keeping up the boring family furniture shop.
The next, you’re getting mouth-to-mouth from a scary hot stranger who wants to make your life a thriller novel.
Yes, my disaster has a name.

Micah Ainsley.
Everything I’m not. Nothing remotely good for me.
He’s all wolf—moody, savage, and ferociously protective.
I’m a human puppy.
He thrives on secrets.
Everybody knows what I had for breakfast.
He’s experienced. So experienced.
I’ve never even been kissed.

But when he needs my help to take down a rich creep who just happens to be my new client, I’m game.
I’m ready to live a little.
I’m eager to prove I’m more than a hot mess with a cross-eyed crush on a coldhearted man who’s too old for me.

Then another surprise bites me in the face.
The night Micah claims me.
The moment our wrong becomes reality and there’s no going back.
The darkest chase is on and it only ends one way—sweet dreams or total devastation.

All the small-town sugar, spice, and angsty goodness in one epic slow-burn romance. Remember to breathe as you watch Redhaven’s coldest man thaw for the little spark he’ll fight like mad to keep.

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Read an Excerpt:

“You saved me in your phone as Vampire Man?” I raise both brows.

“Um.” Talia freezes, looking at me sheepishly with her phone clutched in both hands. “…guilty,” she whispers with an embarrassed smile. “Sorry?”

“Uh-huh.” I lean back on my hands, just watching her. “Why did you do that?”

“I just… you know, the first time we met—”

“You mean when I gave you mouth-to-mouth in the middle of town? After your asthma attack,” I growl.

Her face flashes pink.

She swallows loudly, nodding.

“Yeah. That time. It sorta felt like waking up from a dream. This beautiful man with sharp teeth and a red mouth hovering over me… I used to be a huge Anne Rice nerd. And Grandpa had me watching old Dark Shadows reruns from the time I was five.”

“Uh-huh.” I never take my eyes off her. She’s squirming now, and there’s a predatory pulse in my heart that loves every bit of it. “Have you thought about my teeth, Talia? Do you want to be marked?”

“Marked? O-oh.” Breathy, soft, and she’s already saying yes without really saying a single word. She can’t look away as her eyes gleam. “Maybe. I mean, you bit me before… but you were being gentle.”

“That’s not a yes or a no,” I tease.

Leaning forward, I prowl toward her.

Every last little vulnerable thing about her jumps out at me.

One minute, she’s this innocent angel who warms me with a light I can’t describe, who makes me feel like if I wanted, I might learn how to have a life again.

The next minute, she’s prey, plain and simple.

Her nostrils flare.

Her breathing quickens.

When she trembles again, I’m gone.

Forever lost in this woman.

My inner beast inhales deeply, stuck on her scent.

Vanilla heaven. All mine for the taking.


Closer, every slow movement makes her tremble more until I’m right there.

She whimpers as I stop, almost nose to nose with her, our eyes locked.

There’s more than rich vanilla rising off her now. This aromatic sweetness, heady and sharp.

Meet the Author:

Nicole Snow is a Wall Street Journal and USA Today bestselling author. She found her love of writing by hashing out love scenes on lunch breaks and plotting her great escape from boardrooms. Her work roared onto the indie romance scene in 2014 with her Grizzlies MC series.

Since then Snow aims for the very best in growly, heart-of-gold alpha heroes, unbelievable suspense, and swoon storms aplenty. With over a million books sold, she lives for the joy of making two people fight with every bit of their soul for a Happily Ever After.

Current fan favorites include her Enguard Protectors series, accidental love novels, plus long beloved MC romance thrillers like the Grizzlies and Deadly Pistols.

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The Echo on the Water by JA Huss ~ Romance, Suspense ~ @JAHuss ThereIsAGive@way

The Echo on the Water
JA Huss
Publication date: July 25th 2024
Genres: Adult, Romance, Suspense

Rosie Harlow is desperately seeking

well, she’s not sure. A romance would be nice but so would a dinner conversation with her pre-teen son. Too bad her boy is way too busy growing up to pay his mama any attention. Rosie never meant to swear off men and she’s not frigid—you don’t become a single mom at fifteen by being frigid—but this dry spell of hers has gotten out of hand and something must be done.

Enter Amon Parrish. Back in high school Amon was voted most likely to get caught with his pants down. He was a trouble maker. The quintessential bad boy. But twelve years away from home, traveling the world and working with Collin Creed doing super-secret (and somewhat illegal) things, changed all that. These days Amon Parrish is a brand-new, stand-up man.

And, to Rosie’s surprise, a romantic man as well. Because he has decided to court her. And this is not just any ordinary courting, either. It’s… well, a page ripped right out of a bodice ripper.

But everyone in Disciple, West Virginia has a secret in their past.

Even the cheerful, perpetually optimistic, and seemingly innocent, Rosie Harlow.

The Echo on the Water is a swooning plate of small-town fiction served up with a side of spice. It honors the themes of friends to lovers, found family, and is filled with bigger-than-life, morally-grey characters against a backdrop of the weird and wonderful.


Small Town Secrets

Charming Alpha Male

Friends to Lovers

Touch Her and Die

Morally Grey

Found Family

THIS BOOK WILL ONLY BE AVAILABLE AT NOOK, KOBO, AND APPLE ON PRE-ORDER and will release two days early at those distributors. It will go into Kindle Unlimited on the stated release day of July 25, 2024.

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Read an Excerpt:


When the show is over everyone gets up to leave, as do I, but Amon stays right where he is. Obviously waiting for me.

I make my way to the end of the row and stand before him, his eyes dancin’ a little. “Amon.”


“Are you here for me?”

“I am.”

“Oh. I see. Well. What can I do for you?”

“I asked you to go bowling last night.”

“You did.”

“You turned me down.”

“That’s right.”

“Well, I was wondering if it was just bad timing or if it was me.”

I let out a breath. “Why are you wondering that?”

“Why?” His eyebrows shoot up. “Because if it was bad timing, I’m gonna ask you again. But if you don’t like me, I’ll move on.”

“That’s very forthcoming of you.”

“Thanks. I like to be forthcoming.”

He’s talking with a straight face, but I’m smiling pretty big right now. “Well, can I think about this a little bit?”

“Can you define ‘little bit?’”

I smile bigger. “You’re flirtin’ with me.”

“Why does that surprise you? You flirt with everyone.”

“Well, yeah. But that’s me. You’re… you.”

“What are you saying? I’m not flirty?”

“Are you flirty?”

He smiles now. But he narrows his eyes too. “Should I ask again? Or should I move on?”

“If I say move on, will you truly move on? Or will you try again?”

His smile grows. “Try again.”

“Then I’m gonna tell you to move on.”

He nods, still smiling, then leans forward. “By the way, I read your little paper. Not the one you gave me, but the one from last week. My sisters had a copy.”

“Oh, right. They do the Revival marketing and I’m part of the marketing now.”

“I like it.”

“Which part? The whole idea of it? Or just the vibe?”

“The writing.”

I nearly giggle. “You like the ads?”

“Yeah. I’m kinda jealous of Robust and Hearty because I like his taste in women. And I was thinking that the woman he described sounded a little bit like you.”

I nearly guffaw. I manage to hold it in, but my cheeks get hot and I know I’m probably turning bright red. “You fancy a…” I pause to think back on what kind of partner Robust and Hearty was looking for. “A courageous and resilient woman who is ready to embrace the thrills and trials of a life less ordinary?”

Amon nods. “I do.”

“Well.” I pull myself together. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, Amon Parrish. But I am not looking for a man at the moment. I am quite happy with my life as it is.”

He nods at me. Pretends to take off an imaginary hat and bows a little. And even though he’s not in costume—he’s wearing his usual outfit of black tactical pants and black t-shirt—I picture him in one. “Well, then,” he says. “I will leave you to your day. But I’ll see ya around, Rosie Harlow.”

I nod back. “See ya around, Amon Parrish.”

He turns and walks out, not even looking back. But I’m not unhappy about that because he already told me that he’s gonna try again.

I am being courted.

By Amon Parrish, of all people.

Author Bio:

JA Huss is a scientist, New York Times Bestseller, USA Today Bestseller, and a cowgirl who rides English. Five of her books were optioned for TV/film, several of her audiobooks have been nominated for the Audie and SOVA Awards, and she was a RITA Finalist in 2019. She has been an indie author in both fiction and non-fiction for seventeen years and lives on a ranch in Colorado with her family, horses, dogs, goats, donkeys, and chickens.

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New Release Blast ~ SIN by Beth D. Carter ~ #MCRomance @RABTBookTours

Death Riders MC

SIN by Beth D. Carter 

MC Romance

Date Published: 07-23-1124

Publisher: Evernight Publishing


About the Book:

Adira Dobias thought she had the perfect life along with a perfect fiancé. When she discovers her supposedly pious parents aren’t the God-fearing people she thought them to be, it sends her running. She arrives in Cardinal, at the home of a childhood friend, in order to figure out where to go next.

When she applies for a job at a strip club, owned by the Death Riders, Ares hires her on the spot. He thinks she is the woman he and Hunter have been searching for. The perfect woman to belong to both of them.

It was only supposed to be fun, but somewhere along the way, Adira’s heart got entangled. When a misunderstanding leads to disaster, the two men have to work fast so they don’t lose the woman they’ve fallen for.




For everyone who has enjoyed the Death Riders stories. This one may not have a paranormal twist, but I hope you like it anyway.



As he cleaned up the interview table the door opened and a young woman entered, hovering in the doorway. Long blonde hair cascaded down her back. Big blue eyes looked around, wide-eyed and innocent. She wore jeans and a t-shirt, and had no make-up on her face. And she didn’t need it because she was fucking gorgeous. His dick also noticed, very interested in what she was doing here.

          “Can I help you?” he asked.

          “I…um, well, I was here to apply for the job.”

Her voice was soft. Melodic. He bet she’d scream beautifully with pleasure, and he wanted to be the one who gave it to her. Wanted her to cry out his name when she came. She looked like a fucking angel with a body made to sin. Narrow waist, long legs. Tits more than a handful. He really wanted to get her naked and under him.

          “Certainly,” he said, smiling. Hoping to relax her. “I’m Ares. I own The Pussy Willow.”

She gave a self-conscious wave. “Nice to meet you. I’m Adira. Am I too late for an interview?”

          He shook his head. “Not at all. How did you hear about the job?”

Her fair complexion flushed red. He didn’t remember ever seeing a woman blush before and it fascinated him.

          “I was in a coffee shop and I eavesdropped on two women talking.”

          That amused him. “All right.”

He strode closer, and the scent of warm spice hit him, making his mouth water, and he realized it was her. He licked his lips, wondering if she tasted like sugar, spice and everything nice. “Do you have any experience being a hostess?”

Disappointment dulled her eyes. “No. I don’t have a lot of work experience. I-I’m sorry for wasting your time.”

She turned to leave and he hurried to push the door closed, preventing her from disappearing. By doing that, however, brought him flush against her body, her back to his chest. The contact had his heart galloping and his cock going rock hard in an instant.

“Don’t go,” he murmured softly. A little tremor rolled through her body and he hoped to fucking God it was because she felt what he was feeling. “I don’t care if you don’t know how to greet customers. I can teach you everything you need to know.”

About the Author

I write about the very ordinary woman thrust into an extraordinary circumstance, so my heroines will probably never be lawyers, doctors or corporate high rollers.  I try to write characters who aren't cookie cutters and push myself to write complicated situations that I have no idea how to resolve, forcing me to think outside the box. I strive to create characters who are complex and full of flaws. Heroes and heroines who find redemption through love.


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Served Cold by James L'Etoile ~ Thriller, Procedural ~ @JamesLEtoile @partnersincr1me ~ ThereIsAGive@way

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by James L'Etoile

July 15 - August 9, 2024 Virtual Book Tour

About the Book:

Served Cold by James L'Etoile

Detective Nathan Parker 

When a cargo trailer packed with dead undocumented migrants is found abandoned at a freeway rest stop, Detective Nathan Parker soon discovers the dead wore identical clothing, were the same age, and weren’t destined for the fields. Parker uncovers a diabolical connection between the migrants and a high-tech computer firm handling sensitive government information—information that could jeopardize the lives of thousands if it got into the wrong hands. Hands like the gang assassin who killed Parker’s partner, who surfaces drawing them together for a final showdown.

Parker promised his partner revenge as he bled out in Parker’s arms—revenge is a dish best served cold.

Book Details:

Genre: Thriller, Procedural
Published by: Level Best Books
Publication Date: July 16, 2024
Number of Pages: 320
Series: Detective Nathan Parker Novels, Book 3 | Each is a stand-alone novel
Book Links: Amazon | Goodreads

Read an Excerpt:

Chapter 1

State Trooper Chris Yarrow took his patrol assignment on the graveyard shift on Interstate 10 as a kick to the crotch. The desolate stretch of asphalt from Quartzite to Tonopah was as straight as a preacher's spine and as exciting as a Sunday sermon.

Six months. He was given six months on this worthless chunk of highway as punishment. His sergeant warned if he didn’t adjust his attitude and become a team player, Yarrow would be on the outside looking in. Halfway through a shift cruising down the empty westbound lanes of I-10 Yarrow hadn’t pulled over a single speeding motorist. Not because he didn’t want to. There was no one out on this God-forsaken patch of asphalt. Not so much as a headlight in the distance.

He backed off the accelerator at the exit for the Devil’s Well rest stop. Yarrow cruised through the freeway rest stop to ensure the truckers who pulled off for the night didn’t have paid female company from Buckeye. Last week Yarrow turned a van full of young women away as they drove up, much to the disappointment of the lonely truck drivers.

Four eighteen-wheelers parked in diagonal slots. Yarrow’s eye went to a cargo container strapped on a flatbed trailer. The tractor and driver were nowhere to be found.

Yarrow stopped behind the trailer and shown his spotlight on the boxy cargo container. No company markings or brand names adorned the side. The trooper pulled his computer console over preparing to run the trailer’s plates. His light found the empty place where the registration should have been.

Yarrow stepped from his SUV and approached the trailer mounted cargo box, casting his flashlight under and around the steel frame.

“If it ain’t officer buzzkill,” a voice sounded from a truck window to the left.

Yarrow swung his light to the truck cab and recognized the driver as one of the frustrated truckers after the ladies of the night were turned away. His faded and frayed Dodger’s ball cap, more grey than blue, was tucked on his head over a ring of red curls.

“You happen to see who left this trailer?”

“It was here when I pulled in,” he checked his watch, “about four hours ago.”

Yarrow strode to the front of the container, shone his flashlight at the end of the brown steel container. “Something leaking.”

The trucker stepped from his cab hitched his pants up and joined Yarrow.

“Looks like the A/C unit bit the big one.”

Yarrow avoided stepping in the puddle of refrigerant. “I’m gonna have to call the DOT crew out and get this cleaned up before it runs off in the desert.”

“God forbid a coyote gets an upset tummy. Tree huggers like them woke DOT weenies is what makes everything we do more expensive.”

“Why would a driver take the plates and leave his load,” Yarrow asked.

The driver shrugged. “If he saw his A/C was busted, he knew his load got spoiled in this heat. If he’s not a company driver, he could drop and run. Especially if he already got paid for the trip.”

Yarrow circled around the trailer to the rear. The heavy steel hasp was secured with a heavy gauge padlock and a foil seal on the door.

“A customs inspection sticker,” the driver said, pointing at the foil.

“This came over the border? All this way and the driver just drops it?”

The trucker leaned in, an ear close to the container. “Hear that?”



Yarrow leaned closer to the container. “I don’t hear anything.”

Another voice from behind startled Yarrow. “What ya got going on, Buck?”

Buck, the driver in his Dodger’s hat, glanced at the other trucker, “Might be an abandoned load.”

“Saw a guy in a white Kenworth tractor with no trailer burning outta here about five o’clock. Coulda been running into Phoenix to get a mechanic for his A/C.”

“Phoenix? We’re in the westbound lanes.”

“Like I said, the guy was in a hurry, he crossed the center median and headed back east, toward Phoenix.”

“I think he’s hauling bees,” Buck said, straightening his ball cap. “I don’t like bees. I keep me an epi-pen in my glove box.”

The other driver drew close and put an ear against the metal cargo box. “I hear them. I heard about bee rustlers stealing hives. Think deputy Do-Right here broke the case?”

“Would you guys back away. Quit touching the lock, Buck.”

Buck turned the lock loose and put his hands up in surrender.

“It might be evidence.”

“How you gonna know unless you look inside,” Buck said.

Yarrow pondered his options. If he called it in to his supervisor and it turned out to be dead grandma’s patio furniture from Sun City, Yarrow was done. The thin foil customs seal hinted at something more. Smuggled drugs maybe. If Yarrow could break a major drug trafficking case he’d earn his way out of this nighttime purgatory of an assignment.

Sensing Yarrow’s leaning, Buck said, “I got a pair of cutters in my truck.”

Buck trotted over to his rig and opened a tool box and withdrew a pair of heavy bolt cutters with two-foot-long handles.

Yarrow held them, surprised at the weight and forced the lock off the cargo door. He handed the bolt cutters back to Buck. When Yarrow slid the bolt a metallic clang echoed from within.

“You don’t mind, I’ma gonna take a step back. I don’t need no bee stings.”

The buzzing sound increased and Yarrow began to second guess his decision to open the container. He pulled the heavy door aside and a swarm of insects flew from the crack.

Buck screamed and waved his arms against the winged attackers. “I need my epi-pen!”

Yarrow ducked behind the door as the insects flew from their prison. When they lessened, he leaned around and clicked his flashlight inside. He dropped the light on the blacktop and staggered back. The smell was overpowering.

No stolen beehives and no cache of smuggled heroin or fentanyl were waiting for Yarrow. Inside the darkened cargo container, dozens of dead men lay in a heap on the steel floor.


Excerpt from Served Cold by James L'Etoile. Copyright 2024 by James L'Etoile. Reproduced with permission from James L'Etoile. All rights reserved.



Meet the Author:

James L'Etoile

James L’Etoile uses his twenty-nine years behind bars as an influence in his award-winning novels, short stories, and screenplays. He is a former associate warden in a maximum-security prison, a hostage negotiator, and director of California’s state parole system. His novels have been shortlisted or awarded the Lefty, Anthony, Silver Falchion, and the Public Safety Writers Award. Face of Greed is his most recent novel and up for an Anthony Award for Best Novel. Served Cold is part of the Lefty and Anthony nominated Nathan Parker series. Look for River of Lies, coming in 2025.

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