Sunday, July 31, 2022

Book Blitz & #Giveaway ~ It Started with a Dance by Tinia Montford (Pacific Grove University, #2) ~ @XpressoTours

It Started with a Dance
Tinia Montford
(Pacific Grove University, #2)
Publication date: July 28th 2022
Genres: Adult, Contemporary Romance, New Adult Romance


About the Book:

It’s double time for Cami Clinton…

Dance is in Cami’s blood, but a bombshell diagnosis puts her on the sidelines. Now returning for her senior year of college, she’s determined to prove she is the dancer she once was. Each year, at the end of the semester, the campus hosts a dance festival. Cami knows this is her shot at redemption, but while at a party, things go horribly wrong and Cami suddenly has a new boyfriend: Marsh Lincoln.

Marsh Lincoln has two left feet…

He doesn’t dance. A nasty accident haunts Marsh and he’s just ready to graduate. Until he’s told he’s missing credits. The only class left to fill his missing credits? Ballroom dancing. To make matters worse, his girlfriend breaks-up with him in front of everyone at a party, leaving him with a new girlfriend he’s never met before…

It takes two to tango…

Acting like the perfect couple isn’t easy when you’ve just met. When the lines between what’s real and pretend blurs, they have to ask themselves: Can you catch feelings for something that’s all pretend?

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Read an Excerpt:

Girl, don’t do it; it’s not worth it. Don’t do it… Don’t do it, Cami. Last time was supposed to be it! Don’t…

Paper crinkled under Cami as she shifted on the exam table, facing the cabinet on the wall. It held a box of gloves, a thermometer, an otoscope, and the little disposable thingies that went with it. She exhaled shakily and squeezed her eyes shut. I swear I’m just thinking about stealing the doctor’s glove; I’m not gonna do it. Last time was it… They are good for cleaning. It would be awful if Devin had to bail me out of jail for stealing gloves in a doctor’s office. I’ll get expelled from school and be forced onto the mean streets of the Tenderloin. I’ll have to fight cats for chicken bones and steal cough syrup to stay high.

Cami’s karma was shot to hell based on her last six months of existence. She didn’t want the big man upstairs to send a bolt of lightning down to obliterate her.

She would be good…

Pushing herself up, she strained to hear any footsteps in the hall. The doctor wouldn’t notice a few missing gloves, would she?

Her phone dinged twice with a text message. It was her best friend, Deja. Saved by the bell.

Where are you?? I thought we were getting lunch? Winter and I are in the restaurant.

Cami slapped her forehead. How could she forget? It was their annual back-to-school tradition. Lunch in Japantown and mochi ice cream afterward. A staple in their friendship since freshmen year and even more important since last semester.

I had to meet with my adviser. Let’s meet for dinner?

Deja’s reply was instant.

Fine. Take a sneak pic of your adviser. Clark is foine.

Cami hung her head. Why did I lie? Deja and Winter, her best friends, knew about her hospital stint. They visited her every day until they had to go home for summer break, right before she finally received her diagnosis. Cami still couldn’t utter the words chronic disease…

She told herself she would confess to them, but when the moment came, she found herself saying viral infection instead. Each time after that, the lie flowed easier and it became harder and harder for her to backpedal. She told herself lying was for a good reason. Cami was tired of being the one people needed to look after. She was reinventing herself after this setback, presenting herself as independent and poised. Even if it was a façade.

Anxiety churned in her stomach, and she hoped her doctor would come back with the results she wanted. A glance at her phone let her know the time.

12:04 PM.

How long had she been sitting here? Twenty or thirty minutes? It was the first day of the semester, and Cami wasn’t letting it slip through her fingers. It was late August and freezing in San Francisco because of the coastal fog and wind. She tugged at the pink chunky sweater she’d paired with a skirt and combat boots. She pulled her knotless braids over her shoulder, biting her lip with a glance at the door before she pushed herself off the exam table.

“I’m just gonna take one. I’ve been through a lot,” she muttered, justifying the petty theft.

Cami plucked a glove from the box and held her breath as if alarms would sound. Once the coast was clear, she took another. Then another. Her hands were full as someone knocked at the door. She squealed, dropping some contraband as she darted across the room and shoved the gloves into her book bag, and plopped her butt back on the exam table, winded from that simple yet covert act.


She tried placing a neutral expression on her face, hoping it didn’t reveal how fast her heart was beating, or her fear that a minor sprint consumed most of her energy.

The door opened, and her doctor’s head appeared. “Camille?”

“Dr. Aguilar.”

The last time Cami was in a hospital, besides her own illness, she found out her father had died. Of course, she didn’t remember this. She had been a toddler; her mother and brother recounted the story solemnly to her years later. It was a good enough excuse to avoid hospitals ever since.

Dr. Aguilar almost changed her mind about hospitals. The older woman’s aura of calmness and matronly appearance never failed to put her at ease. Bracelets adorning both arms and rings on all fingers. Plump. Graying hair. She smiled and her eyes went to the blue glove lying on the floor.

“The gloves fell out of the box…” That was a lame excuse.

Meet the Author:

Tinia (TUH-NIA) Montford is a Pisces who’s a sap for romance, especially when there’s (tons of) kissing. Loves eighties sitcoms and will consume anything with chocolate. She graduated from the University of San Francisco with a degree in English and Graphic Design.

She is a world traveler having climbed a volcano in Nicaragua, scaled Angkor Wat in the blistering sun, and roamed the Acropolis of Athens. Oh, she also dabbles in short stories occasionally.

If you can’t catch her writing, you can bet she’s overindulging on poke bowls, listening to the same four songs, or chilling with her adorbs doggie. She is currently pursuing her MFA in Fiction.

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Saturday, July 30, 2022

Book Blitz & #Giveaway ~ Promenade by Morgan Shamy (The Dark Nocturne, #3) @MorganShamy ~ @XpressoTours Mystery, Paranormal, Young Adult

Morgan Shamy
(The Dark Nocturne, #3)
Publication date: July 26th 2022
Genres: Mystery, Paranormal, Young Adult

About the Book:

When time isn’t on your side…

With Vincent gone, November is left exposed. Having lost everyone she loves, she’s desperate to find a new life. It could’ve been possible—until a group of Shadow Fae who blames her for Vincent’s death. Now, her only chance at survival is to deliver to them a live Vincent or face her own fate. Problem is, the dead can’t be brought back to life. So her only choice is to travel back in time and find him.

In London, 1901, Vincent and November reunite. But he isn’t who she thought he was. He’s a rake, an aristocrat, with no recollection of her. But that isn’t all her troubles. A Shadow Wraith is on her back, trying to take her back to her own time, and the Shadow Fae are still hunting her down. November must find a way to make Vincent remember who she is and change the future, before time, and her death catches up with her.

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Read an Excerpt:

“Who’s there?” he asked. “I want to be left alone.”

She couldn’t find her voice. He was so beautiful sitting there, so flawless, except for the sadness that emanated from off his body. His mood was as dark as the landscape, she could almost see the dark waves that rippled off from him.

“It’s me, Vincent.”

He stiffened, every inch of him freezing. His fingers dug into his lap, and he swallowed again.

“I’m going to ask one more time,” he said. “Who’s there?”

November closed the door behind her and stepped into the room. Air flowed in and out of the open windows, not a breeze, more like an energy that pushed and pulled between the bell tower and the land outside.

“I’ve missed you,” she whispered, and her voice stuck in her throat.

Meet the Author:

Morgan Shamy is an ex-ballerina turned YA writer. She has been immersed in the arts since the young age of 4, where she performed various roles alongside a professional ballet company for over seven years, and has danced on prestigious stages like soloing at Carnegie Hall in New York City. She has taught hundreds of girls in her fifteen years of teaching, where some of her students have received full-ride scholarships to schools like School of American Ballet, the Harid Conservatory, Kirov Academy of Ballet, and Pacific Northwest Ballet, to name a few.

Morgan discovered writing when her three-year-old son was diagnosed with cancer. It was through that experience which instilled the need to share art and magic with children through words on the page.

Morgan is also an accomplished concert pianist. She was the first girl in Utah to receive the 75 pt. Gold Cup in the Utah Federation of Music in piano solo/concerto competition. Morgan currently lives with her X-Games gold-medalist husband and four children in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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Book Blitz & #Giveaway ~ Loving Dark Men by J.A. Huss @JAHuss ~ @XpressoTours #Thriller

Loving Dark Men
J.A. Huss
Publication date: July 26th 2022
Genres: Adult, Thriller

A man lures a woman into the woods.

Another ruins the life of his best friend.

And yet another strings them along like puppets.

About the Book:

Dark men.

They are intriguing, and charming, and powerful.

They are changing the world.

They are changing themselves.

They are playing with lust, and love, and fear, and loathing.

Addicted to each other, to their secret, to the seduction, to the sex.

It’s a crash in the making.

And yes, it’s on purpose.

These men are dark.

And this is the messy story of how Nova Ryan loves them.

Loving Dark Men is a seductive romantic thriller that will have you turning pages well past your bedtime. A standalone book by New York Times bestselling author, JA Huss.

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Read an Excerpt:

The guy.

He’s been missing since the first day. Well, maybe I’ve been missing. He’s never in the dining hall, and, of course, he’s not in the lab. And those are the only two places I go, so…

He smiles at me and my whole body goes tingly with the memory of what we did in the woods.

I stop walking and just stare. He’s leaning against a tree and immediately I see him the way he was that first day. He’s wearing something very similar—sweat shorts and a shirt tucked into his waistband.

He must jog a lot.

He signals to me with a single finger. Not a wagging finger, but a point. Almost like he’s beckoning a waitress. I do a half-hearted wave back and turn to the coffee cart.

I don’t know what’s going through his mind right now, but I’m not interested. It was a one-time thing as far as I’m concerned, something I’m not going to dwell on or feel shame over, but there is no burning need inside me to force it to make sense.

It was… a need met. An itch scratched.

Hell, that’s giving it way too much credit.

It was a weird once-in-a-lifetime sexual opportunity that came about due to my new surroundings and—

Once-in-a-lifetime? Really?

Fine. I’m slutty, what can I say?

I still don’t feel any shame.

And I do not look over my shoulder. Not before I order, not while I order, and not while I wait for my coffee.

I give him plenty of time to go somewhere else.

But when I turn, he’s still there. Lifting that one finger at me again.

And this time, he does beckon me. Then he turns and walks into the trees.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” I mutter this under my breath, then look around, to see if anyone is paying attention.

No one is, as far as I can tell.

When I look back at him, all I catch is his bare back disappearing into the woods.

Nova, you will not follow that man into the woods.



But I’m already walking in that direction. Because… that kiss. Holy shit, that kiss. I mean, I don’t think a man has ever kissed me like that. Well, maybe Travis. But that was his one and only chance. I was leaving the next day for college. And, in fact, we never did see each other again.

No. One teenager’s desperate attempt to make himself memorable is not the same as this man’s all-encompassing lust.

Nova. You’re walking.

Yes. I am.

You’re walking towards the woods.

You’re very observant, monologue me. But save your breath. I’m going. At the very least, I need his name. I mean, what kind of man beckons a strange woman into the woods, helps her jerk himself off, comes in her hand, then just… walks away?

Not even a half-hearted ‘see ya later?’

Not even a ‘thank you?’

I need something to add to this story. I can’t leave it like this. It will drive me crazy.

Author Bio:

JA Huss is a New York Times Bestselling author and has been on the USA Today Bestseller's list 21 times. She writes characters with heart, plots with twists, and perfect endings. Her books have sold millions of copies all over the world. Her book, Eighteen, was nominated for a Voice Arts Award and an Audie Award in 2016 and 2017 respectively. Her audiobook, Mr. Perfect, was nominated for a Voice Arts Award in 2017. Her audiobook, Taking Turns, was nominated for an Audie Award in 2018. Her book, Total Exposure, was nominated for a RITA Award in 2019. She lives on a ranch with her family, dogs, cats, birds, chickens, horse, donkeys, and goats in Colorado.

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(Starts July 26 – Ends August 8, 2022)
PRIZE – $250 Amazon Gift Card, FOUR SIGNED Loving Dark Men dust-jacket hardcovers. (1 Retail edition, 3 Special Editions). Swag bag.

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Friday, July 29, 2022

Book Blitz & #Giveaway ~ Violins and Vampires CEE BEE @CB_Bauer ~ Paranormal Romance #PNR

Violins and Vampires
Published by: Monster House Books
Publication date: June 26th 2022
Genres: Adult, Paranormal Romance

About the Book:

Lexa Uznetsov is trapped

To save my sister, I take on my father’s massive debt to Konstantin the Rus, leader of the New York Bratva. My life becomes a never-ending (and incredibly illegal) stakeout for the mob. There’s barely time to sleep, let alone find love. In desperation, I approach Caelin MacGregor, the handsome Scotsman who runs Empire Investments. After all, what’s the worst that can happen?

Caelin MacGregor is a lost king
Ages ago, I ruled a clan of Bloodkin vampires. My people are born to wield magic, drain humans, and live forever. That’s all over now. I’ve been alone for a thousand years. Today, I no longer care about the sunrise, let alone truly desire a woman. Then, I look upon Lexa. My world turns upside down…

Vampires of the Daemonverse Series
1. Violins and Vampires
2. Veils and Vampires
3. Vixens and Vampires
4. Valor and Vampires

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Read an Excerpt:


Another Saturday night, another stakeout.

This time, I’m in the Big Apple Café, watching the apartment of Dr Khatun. It’s a lot of nursing the same cup of java while staring out a window.

Suddenly, a man pauses on the sidewalk outside. This isn’t just any guy, mind you, but Caelin MacGregor, the so-called King of Empire Investments. Rumors are, Vass is a ruthless in business and a bastard in general. I believe those tales. Then there are other whispers. Folks say Caelin is a vampire with mind control powers. I have a different opinion on that.

What a load of B-S.

Caelin pauses, giving me a chance to inspect him more closely. To say that Caelin is just handsome is like declaring that the Mona Lisa is simply a painting.

The slightest shiver rolls across Caelin’s shoulders. Inch by inch, he turns toward me. My pulse skyrockets. Our gazes meet.

Everything goes haywire.

Lights flash in the coffee shop. Street lamps pulse and crackle. A breeze strikes up out of nowhere. Mist pours across the floor. An electric shock of worry moves through my limbs.

This can’t be good.

Everything in the coffee shop goes dark, except for a few beams of moonlight. Moments pass as my eyes adjust. Once I can see clearly again, I can’t believe what’s around me. The cafe is empty. The street outside is deserted as well. The entire city appears dark and abandoned.

And I’ve changed, too. Now I’m sitting on the tabletop with my skirt up and legs parted. A man towers before me.

It’s Caelin.

Maybe I should scream now or run for the exit, but I don’t. Instead, my entire being seems frozen in shock… Except for my ability to soak in more details of Caelin. Up close, this so-called king even more magnetic. A gentle scruff lines his chin. His face is framed with strong bone structure. His full lips appear ripe for a kiss. The gentle scent of musk and leather assaults me. It isn’t fair for this man to be gorgeous and smell good as well.

All this time, Caelin has been staring at me with a look that can only be described as worshipful hunger. Don’t get me wrong. I make side money in bikini contests. Getting ogled is nothing new. But I’ve never been visually devoured in the way that’s happening right now. The sheer intensity makes my core twist with desire. With every cell in my body, I want to touch the curl of hair at the base of Caelin’ neck. Some part of me screams that this whole situation is impossible.

More of me doesn’t care.

Meet the Author:

CEE BEE writes stories that blend epic fantasy, steamy romance, and lots of sass. If you want immersive tales that transport you to fresh worlds (and new book boyfriends) then you’ve come to the right author. To learn more about CEE BEE, please visit Her new book, VIOLINS AND VAMPIRES, is available on Kindle Unlimited:

CEE BEE also writes young adult fare under the name Christina Bauer. Check out Christina’s books at There’s a literal sh*t ton of them.

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Book Blast & #Giveaway ~ Love Blooms in Morning Star by Charlotte Hubbard ~ Inspirational Romance (Amish) @GoddessFish

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Charlotte Hubbard will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

As Jo Fussner keeps the Marketplace humming, her heart dances with a joyous secret. Jo and Michael Wengerd, a shy nursery owner from a nearby town, have fallen hopelessly in love. When Michael buys a courting buggy, Jo is sure a proposal will follow. But she’ll have to work hard to gain her mother’s approval—because the widowed Drusilla Fussner is convinced that marriage will bring her daughter nothing but heartache.

To win Jo’s hand, Michael enlists his father’s help in convincing Drusilla to give the marriage her blessing—and perhaps even open her heart to new happiness of her own. . . . But just as Jo and Michael’s hope for their future grows, an even bigger obstacle looms. The Amish elders vote to forbid any maidel from working once she marries. Now Jo must choose between the beloved store she’s put her heart into, and the man she can’t live without. Conflicted, Jo will have to trust that anything is possible when true faith guides the way.

Inspirational Romance (Amish)

Read an Excerpt:

Jo was soon pulled out of the ceremonial spell the bishop wove with his words, however, meeting Michael’s gaze again. It had been such a blessing when she’d spotted him earlier this morning, striding toward her. As he’d done in her fondest dreams over the winter, he’d held out his hands and she’d grabbed them as though she’d never let them go.

“I have a surprise for you, Josie-girl,” he’d whispered. “Right after the wedding, you’ll see it.”

Josie-girl. The sound of Michael’s unique endearment had made her eager heart turn somersaults. How was she supposed to pay attention to the wedding ceremony while she wondered about the surprise he’d promised?

But one thing Jo knew, as surely as she could bake cinnamon rolls: Michael had returned to Morning Star loving her even more than when Mamm had sent him and his dat away at Christmas. Michael and Nelson weren’t renting the Fussners’ dawdi haus anymore, but the Wengerds were back in her life, and they intended to move forward with the plans they’d made during her visit to their home in Queen City last December.

Life simply didn’t get any more exciting than that.

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About the Author:
In 1983, Charlotte Hubbard sold her first story to True Story. She wrote around 70 of those confession stories, and she’s sold more than 60 books to traditional or online publishers. A longtime resident of Missouri, she’s currently writing Amish romances set in imaginary Missouri towns for Kensington. She now lives in Omaha, NE with her husband of 40+ years and their Border collie, Vera.




Release Blitz & #Giveaway ~ The Girl Who Escaped by Mark Nolan @marknolan ~ @RABTBookTours #RABTBookTours #TheGirlWhoEscaped #MarkNolan #CrimeThriller


The Girl Who Escaped by Mark Nolan

Crime Thriller

Date Published: July 29, 2022. 

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 About the Book:

One month ago, four college girls were abducted. Three were brutally murdered. One girl escaped.

Angie Taylor was traumatized and shocked speechless.

The police think she killed her friends, and then had a mental breakdown.

Her psychiatrist believes she has an emotionally unstable personality disorder.

Can she ever speak up and describe the killer’s face to a police sketch artist?

Is the murderer stalking her right now, eager to finish what he started?

Everyone in the city is on edge, fearing the worst, not sure what to believe.


A visit from a determined FBI agent shakes things up and raises the stakes. FBI Special Agent Brenda Reynolds of the VSRT must investigate whether the mysterious silent girl is a victim, a killer, or has gone insane.


Grab your copy of the suspense thriller everyone is talking about, and start reading right now.


 About the Author:

Mark Nolan is an Amazon Bestselling Author and Kindle Unlimited All-Star. His latest book is titled The Girl Who Escaped.


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RABT Book Tours & PR

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Cover Reveal ~ Storms and Embers by C.D. Britt (The Reign of Goddesses, #3) @BrittAuthor ~ @XpressoTours #UrbanFantasy #UF

Storms and Embers
C.D. Britt
(The Reign of Goddesses, #3)
Publication date: November 8th 2022
Genres: Adult, Urban Fantasy

About the Book:

Archon of Zephyr.

Queen of the Goddesses.
A Broken Woman.

Hera has reigned over Olympus and humanity for millennia. Seen as cold, sarcastic, and callous, she uses this to her advantage, keeping everyone, including her sisters, at a distance. It’s a lonely life, but it worked, until the Titans decided that breaking her father out of Tartarus was a good idea. A move that put her and her sisters against the Titans in a battle for their thrones upon Olympus.

Dr. Viktor Alden understands being alone. As a man who has spent his immortal life as a nomad, living with an oath that has kept him from allowing anyone to really know him, he is fascinated by the enigmatic woman who quite literally runs the world. Too bad they have a battle they may not win, or even live through, for him to learn the intricacies that make up the Queen of the Goddesses.

Now, two people who have spent their entire lives distrusting the world must learn to trust each other if they want to survive the upcoming war.

Storms and Embers is the final book in the Reign of Goddesses series.
TW: violence, cursing, adult situations.

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Meet the Author:

C.D. Britt began her writing journey when her husband told her she needed to use her excessive imagination to write stories as opposed to creating a daily narrative for him. Ever since she penned her first words, life has been a lot more peaceful for him.

She currently resides in Texas where she has yet to adapt to the heat. Her husband thrives in it, so unfortunately they will not be relocating to colder climates anytime soon.

Their two young children would honestly complain either way.

When she is not in her writing cave (hiding from the sun), she enjoys ignoring the world as much as her children will allow with a good book, music, and vast amounts of coffee (until it’s time for wine).

C.D. Britt is the author of Shadows and Vines and the upcoming book, Sirens and Leviathans.

Both books are part of the Reign of Goddesses series.

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Book Spotlight ~ The Friday Night Mystery Club (Friday Night Mystery Club Series) by Joanna Campbell Slan @joannaslan #CozyMystery


The Friday Night Mystery Club (Friday Night Mystery Club Series) by Joanna Campbell Slan

About The Friday Night Mystery Club:


The Friday Night Mystery Club (Friday Night Mystery Club Series)

Cozy Mystery

1st in Series

Setting - Illinois

Spot On Publishing (September 18, 2021)

Paperback: ‎ 346 pages

ISBN-13: ‎ 979-8469766247

Digital ASIN: ‎ B09FFQ5YQB

Decatur, Illinois/1986 - A nasty divorce leaves Cragan Collins with a mountain of bills and her grandmother to support. She takes a job as an ad salesperson for The Gazette. The market is tough, but Cragan finds a mentor in business reporter, Robert Smithson. One icy January day, Robert is found dead in a city park. His murder is dismissed as gay-on-gay crime. Cragan asks The Friday Night Mystery Club to find justice for Robert. Will Cragan's quest for the truth land her on the obituary page?

Excerpt Sadness turned to anger. Who had killed him? And why? Was it because he was gay? Or was it because of his job? I knew that Robert had gotten death threats before. He was a hard-hitting investigative reporter and his beat was area businesses. His work had uncovered fraud, malfeasance, misconduct, and mistreatment of employees. No one wanted to answer the phone when Robert Smithson called.

About Joanna Campbell Slan:

Joanna is a New York Times Bestselling, USA Today Bestselling, and Amazon Bestselling author as well as a woman prone to frequent bursts of crafting frenzy, leaving her with burns from her hot glue gun and paint on her clothes. And the mess? Let’s not even go there.

Otherwise, Joanna’s a productive author with more than 80 written projects to her credit. Her non-fiction work includes how to books, a college textbook for public speakers, and books of personal essays (think Chicken Soup for the Soul).

Currently, she writes six fiction series: The Kiki Lowenstein Mystery Series (Agatha Award Finalist, contemporary, St. Louis setting, crafting), the Cara Mia Delgatto Mystery Series (contemporary, Florida setting, DIY, and recycling), the Jane Eyre Chronicles (Daphne du Maurier Award Winner, 1830s England, based on Charlotte Brontë’s classic), the Sherlock Holmes Fantasy Thrillers (late 1800s, based on Arthur Conan Doyle’s books), the Tai Chi Mystery Series (featuring a mature female amateur sleuth!) and the Friday Night Mystery Series (set in Decatur, IL in 1986 with a spunky female heroine.)

A former TV talk show host, college teacher, and public relations specialist, Joanna was one of the early Chicken Soup for the Soul contributors. She won a Silver Anvil for her work on the original FarmAid concert to benefit farmers.

In her ongoing quest never to see snow again, Joanna lives with her husband and their Havanese puppy, Jax, on an island off the coast of Florida. You can email her at or visit her website at

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Book Blitz & #Giveaway ~ Taking the Fight by L.P. Dover (Gloves Off: Next Generation, #2) ~ @LPDover ~ Contemporary Romance @XpressoTours

Taking the Fight
L.P. Dover
(Gloves Off: Next Generation, #2)
Publication date: July 26th 2022
Genres: Adult, Contemporary Romance

L.P. Dover, the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author who brought you the tantalizing Gloves Off series, presents Gloves Off – Next Generation. This brand-new saga of interconnected standalones unites new characters with beloved originals in dark and sexy stories laced with suspense!

About the Book:

Two months ago, everything changed. The enemy no longer feels the need to sulk in the shadows. Instead, he hides in plain sight and prepares his attack… against Reagan Jameson.

Reagan knew this day would come. She proudly holds the featherweight title and is known as one of the sexiest female fighters in MMA history. She can handle her own, and that’s exactly what she plans to do with Nikolai. Unfortunately, things aren’t as they were before. When given an offer she can’t refuse, Reagan is well aware nothing good will come of it.

They promised her power, prestige, and money… a world full of intrigue and dangerous desires. Not being able to resist the allure, she gives in and becomes a pawn in their game. She’s able to fool those closest to her into believing everything is okay… except for Braden Emerson.

Braden’s reputation as one of the toughest fighters in the circuit hasn’t gone unnoticed. In fact, it’s his skills that get him lured into the pit of danger. While he vows to keep Reagan safe no matter the cost, his desire for her is used against him. As passion ignites between the pair, they must work together if they hope to survive.

Fighting for a title is one thing, but nothing beats the stakes of fighting for love. This is one TKO that could cost them everything.
No cheating. No cliffhangers. Just hot, dirty-talking fighters who want to take you down to the mat.

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Read an Excerpt:

Whenever Braden got close to me, I could feel the burn in my veins. Just watching him train put me on the brink of orgasm. What made it worse was when we would spar together. He’d always find a way to get me down on the mat with his body between my legs. That was why I refused to train with him alone. Then again, I’d never really gotten the chance to with so many people being at the gym.

Waving a hand in front of my face, I blew out a breath, hoping the heat on my cheeks would ebb. Once I had enough time to cool down, I grabbed the wedding portfolio on my bookshelf and quietly crept down the hall to see what Braden was doing. He’d turned his ball cap to the front, but I didn’t regret telling him that he looked stupid with it backward; it kept him on his toes. However, I honestly did think he was cute with it that way, but I wasn’t about to tell him that.

His focus was on a shelf on the wall lined with pictures, mainly of Peyton and me, but there was one of my mom and Braden’s mother together with their arms around each other’s shoulders. They were best friends.

“I bet my mom can’t wait for yours to get back in town. I don’t think they’ve seen each other in four months. That’s like a century in best friend years,” I called out.

Braden chuckled and turned around. “Is that how you are with my sister? It’s been a while since you’ve seen her.”

Peyton is my best friend, but I loved her like a sister. Nodding, I focused on the picture of Peyton and me on the beach, posing for the camera in our bikinis with the ocean behind us.

“I love her just as much as I love Emma,” I stated.

A smirk spread across his face. “Then what happened with me? Our mothers forced us together our entire lives and yet you hate me. What gives?”

Batting my eyelashes, I smiled back. “I don’t hate you, Braden. I just think you, my brother, and Ripp have the big-head syndrome. My cousin, Brooks, is excluded from this.” Brooks was the only one out of our group that was responsible. He chose to become an FBI agent instead of a fighter. Now he was away on an undercover mission, and I had no clue when I’d see him again.

“Big-head syndrome?” Braden asked, grinning slyly. “Are you saying I have a huge dick?”

I held up a hand, cutting him off. “I can’t with you right now. I’m talking about the disease you have where you think you’re all that.”

Braden thrust his head back and laughed. “And what? You think you’re not the same way? I’ve seen all the men who want you, Reagan. It’s hard not to when all they do is stare. You enjoy the attention.” He marched over and stood in front of me, his body so achingly close I could feel the heat radiating from him. “And don’t you dare say otherwise. We both know it’d be a lie.”

I did like the attention, even more so now that I’d won my title and had millions of followers. What I craved more, though, was his attention. There was never a lack of it, but I could never get enough. I wanted more than the verbal sparring that was common between us. My phone beeped with an incoming text, so I stepped back to distance us.

Emma: Where are you? Carter just put the burgers on the grill.

I quickly texted her back.

Me: On my way.

“We have to go,” I said, looking up at Braden. “What are we going to tell Emma when she asks why you’re with me?”

Braden’s lips tilted up. “She’s marrying my cousin, Reagan, and I’m the best man. We could always say we’re trying to conserve gas.” His gaze narrowed playfully. “You make it sound like there’s something secret going on between us. Am I missing something?”

“Nope. There will never be anything between us,” I claimed. “That’s wishful thinking on your part.”

Braden stared into my eyes and then down to my lips. “Whatever you say, sunshine. You know one day, you might regret not taking me up on my offers.”

I followed him out the door and locked it while he strolled down the stairs. “I’d rather be a nun,” I shouted.

He laughed the whole way to his car. Who was I kidding? I wouldn’t last a second as a nun.

Meet the Author:

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author L. P. Dover is a southern belle living in North Carolina with her husband and two beautiful girls. Before she began her literary journey she worked in periodontics, enjoying the wonderment of dental surgeries.

She loves to write, but she also loves to play golf, go on mountain hikes and white-water rafting, and has a passion for singing. Her two youngest fans expect a concert each and every night before bedtime, usually Christmas carols.

Dover has written countless novels in several different genres, but her favorite to write is romantic suspense. However, she has found a new passion in romantic comedy, especially involving sexy golfers. Who knew the sport could be so dirty and fun to write about.

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Adam XY by Zach Cassidy


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About the Book:

In a world where human males were thought to be a historical curiosity, the first man in centuries is born.

Adam Walsh III, a grandson of Adam, researches the life of his grandfather, the first human male to be born in two centuries. After the wars of the twenty-first century, men were wiped out from the population by a virus. Through the spermification process, women were able to procreate without males and soon, men were a thing of the past.

Until Adam that is. Science has never been able to explain his birth, but from the moment he came out of the womb, Adam found himself under constant scrutiny, equally hated and admired.

Males are now slowly repopulating the planet, but they remain rare and are the subjects of hate crimes and persistent accusations. Through his research, Adam Walsh III seeks to end the bloodshed.

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Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Cover Reveal ~ All This Time by Annabelle McCormack

All This Time
Annabelle McCormack
Publication date: October 25th 2022
Genres: Adult, Contemporary Romance

About the Book:

Samantha Redding swore off her hometown of Brandywood, Maryland when she left after high school. Sure, she misses her family, but growing up the victim of vicious gossip cured her of small-town living. Besides, the photography career she dreamed of couldn’t be found in the Appalachians.

But when Sam’s mom gets sick and needs her help, Sam’s faced with a long-term stay back home. As a tight deadline for her fast-paced job forces her to relocate a holiday photoshoot to Brandywood, Sam finds her old life converging with her new one. What’s more, she needs help from the townspeople she’s spent years disregarding. Overwhelmed, Sam finds an ally in a man who kept her at arm’s length all his life: brooding and sarcastic Garrett Doyle—her on-and-off again boyfriend’s best friend.

There’s a reason Garrett’s tried to keep his distance from Sam, though: being in love with your best friend’s girl sucks. But Sam needs help and he’s too much of a sucker to say no. Anyway, she’s leaving Brandywood soon enough, and then he can go back to trying to forget her.

. . . except, Sam’s about to discover that everything she thought she knew about home—and Garrett—was wrong.

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Meet the Author:

Annabelle McCormack spins you tales of epic historical adventure, heartfelt romance, and complex family dynamics with strong female protagonists to make things interesting. She graduated from the Johns Hopkins University’s M.A. in Writing Program. She's a sucker for pizza (cheese, bread, and tomatoes are the perfect foods) and mangoes, loves baking and photography, and never wants to do laundry again. She lives in Maryland with her hilarious husband, where she serves as a snack bitch for her (lucky-they’re-cute) five children and three boxers.

She's half-Costa Rican and speaks fluent Spanish, so you can always drop her a line in either English or Spanish. Pura vida!

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