Wednesday, October 18, 2023

A Lesser God: Reason Else Demise by Don Hackett ~ Historical Fiction (Religious) ~ @GoddessFish

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Don Hackett will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

About the Book:
As a young man, Dion Athamas was spiritually summoned to rapture then tenured god status. He had been endowed with all the benedictions to achieve sacredness: a devout flock, the power to heal and a covet for control. He also held a deep desire and ability to influence justice and universal liberty. The setting: the fictional town of Forgedmont, Mississippi, in the 1950s. Against great opposition he strived to become a new-age god; the earth was his oracle. He found faith-based conviction to be lacking in reason and truth. He chose to maintain an instinctive path to holiness. Regrettably for him and his followers, there were a great many roadblocks. He was forced to face off against the church, community, prejudice, family and scheming dreams influenced by fallacious spirits, all set forth to hamper his ascension to divinity.



Historical Fiction (Religious)

Read an Excerpt:

My name is Dion Athamas, and I’m from the little the town of Forgedmont, Mississippi, U.S.A. Population 2,874. Should you be interested, I have a story to share with you. It’s my story, though tragic, I am quite willing to share it. I think it best you understand that this tale all began with a telling dream.

One night as I slept, I awoke to hear my name being softly spoken by a masculine voice I didn’t recognize. I sat up in bed and scanned the dark void, trying to establish the source of the voice. Without question, I felt an unnatural presence looming somewhere within the walls of my bedroom. I gradually began to recognize that the manifestation was speaking to me as if I were an acquaintance. His manner was quite affable as he appealed to me to stay calm and listen attentively to his message. He requested that I focus my vision straight ahead into the darkness and then close my eyes. When he gave the signal, I needed to slowly reopen my eyes to witness him visually. The signal was perceptually vague, but I received it. When I opened my eyes, I knew someone was sharing my room with me, but I had no idea who. I couldn’t identify the barely-perceptible image of a human form floating buoyantly at the foot of my bed. Then suddenly he was gone as quickly and enigmatically as he’d arrived.

About the Author:

I have been writing poems and short stories for most of my life. It was not until I retired from my government position working with Special Needs individuals that I was able to focus on writing full time. The treatment of Special Needs people fostered in me a search for the explanation for the absence of morality in mankind. I have degrees in psychology and sociology from the University of Calgary, Alberta.

Amazon Buy Link:

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