Monday, December 14, 2020

Read an Excerpt from S. Peters-Davis's Mystic UnRealized @spdavis788 ~ Deck the Halls with Books Holiday Extravaganza #Giveaway

Mystic UnRealized
S. Peters-Davis

Genre: Fantasy Romance, New Adult 
Publisher:  BWL Publishing, Inc.
Date of Publication:  November 2020
Cover Artist:  Michelle Lee

Tagline:  To save humankind from an apocalyptic Troll take-over, an unrealized Mystic and a brand-new Dragon changeling must bond and share their Magick.   

Book Description: 

To save humankind from an apocalyptic Troll take-over, Sky, an unrealized Mystic, and Rune, a brand-new Dragon changeling, must bond and share their Magick. 

An adult fantasy romance of a present-day tale with Mystics, Dragons, Fey, Trolls, and Magick, and the prophecy that draws them all together.

Purchase Links:

Amazon     Books2Read

Read an Excerpt:

Rune’s Point of View

“She drank from the Pool of Wellness,” I announced and stepped closer to the pearly-scaled giant. The magick of Azuron’s breath slithered inside my nostrils and mouth, leaving me light-headed.

“And?” Azuron’s deep, raspy voice, sharp and impatient, rumbled off the stone walls.

His cave had become my home away from the Shadowed Realm, but it always took a few minutes for me to absorb his magick. I shook my head in an attempt to gain balance, the tip of Azuron’s tail wrapped around my waist, holding me steady. Moments passed until my world righted itself. Maybe this dizziness had something to do with the addition of Sky’s energy. Her natural beauty had stunned me at first with those startling blue eyes, long lashes, full lips, and that head of soft, dark, unruly curls she’d attempted to tame in a ponytail but cascaded like a waterfall to her shoulders.

“Well?” Azuron studied me, drawing me closer with his tail. Moistened heat from his breath coated my face. Its magick ignited my voice.

I hoped he hadn’t just read my mind, assessing Sky’s beauty. “As you said it would happen, her eyes glowed, silver blue, like yours. The moment I saw them, I knew she was our Mystic and had arrived just like you and Mother claimed would happen. The time must be right for the prophecy to unfold, but I can’t help questioning it.”

“How so?”

“She’s clueless to her power, doesn’t trust me, and she closed her eyes when Mayapple appeared on my shoulder. She’s not ready, which makes me unsure of my ability to get her there.”

“I never said it would be easy, and I never said it would be up to you alone. Lucy’s ability to mentor Sky became limited due to interference from Sky’s mother, Jeana. And then Sky’s been away for the past four years gaining academic knowledge. I spoke with Lucy last night, in the UnShadowed Realm. Lucy said Sky’s father had stayed with her while she attended college.  It seems Sky arrived here heavily burdened not wanting to leave her father alone.”

“I noticed she has trust issues. She kept looking around as if expecting someone to jump out or something. I barely retained her attention.”

“You’ll figure it out. If anyone can help Sky gain trust, it’s you, my young protégée.” Azuron coiled his bulk and lowered his head over his forearms. “Time for meditation, which means it’s time for you to go explain things to Myarna. Your mother will be anxious to know what you’ve discovered.”

“I’m sure you’re right.”

I left Azuron and clung to his confidence in me. After all of the prophecy preparation, will the world of humans even come to an apocalypse? I couldn’t imagine what would create the end of humanity. 


About the Author:

S. Peters-Davis writes multi-genre stories but loves penning a good page-turning suspense-thriller, especially when it’s a ghost story and a romance. Paranormal suspense-thriller romances are her favorites. When she’s not writing, editing, or reading, she’s hiking, RV’ing, fishing, playing with grandchildren, or enjoying time with her favorite muse (her husband) in Southwest Michigan. 

For a current listing of her books and buy links, check her author page below.


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  1. Hi Sapphyria - Happy Holidays!!! Thank you for posting a highlight/excerpt for Mystic UnRealized. There wasn't any Flash Fiction in this post;) Always enjoy visiting you and your wonderful place. Best always, Susan

  2. -I really enjoyed the excerpt and think the book sounds good.

  3. I am always interested in learning about new books that I might want to read.

  4. Such a nice cover love to read it sounds like a story I would enjoy reading .
