Monday, March 17, 2025

Shake-speared in the Park by Joy Ann Ribar ~ Traditional Mystery with Paranormal Twists ~ @partnersincr1me

Shake-speared in the Park by Joy Ann Ribar Banner


by Joy Ann Ribar

March 17th - April 11, 2025 Virtual Book Tour

About the Book:

Shake-speared in the Park by Joy Ann Ribar


When Bay Browning helps direct the Flourish College summer theater production, “Shakespeare’s Couch,” she doesn’t plan for murder at the first practice.

Someone wants revenge against the elite cast members, as more terror unfolds on stage and backstage with each rehearsal. What should be a lighthearted parody on The Bard and his characters is cursed from the start, even without someone shouting “Macbeth” in the theater. Detective Downing takes charge of the crime, but Bay and her puzzle-solving cohort, Jen Yoo, follow their own script behind the scenes. Cassandra, Bay’s extraordinary sister, makes her own dramatic entrance on the case. After all, Cass is now the personal assistant to one of the elites living the high life on the bluff above Prairie Ridge. How many tragic scenes will be scripted before the villain faces the final curtain?

Praise for Shake-speared in the Park:

"A clever cozy that reads like an elusive buried treasure, that, once uncovered, shines with a burnished gold. Shakespearean scholars can revel throughout, as a college summer play, Shakespeare’s Couch, features a myriad of familiar characters, representing their plays. A costume party with more Shakespearean identities milling about provides sheer fun and frolic. The best part, however, is the thorough depiction of humanity, characteristic of Ribar’s writing. Even secondary characters come alive with strengths and foibles that delight and endear."
~ Saralyn Richard, author of the Detective Parrott mystery series, Bad Blood Sisters, and Mrs. Oliver’s Twist

"Ribar serves up wicked, clever fun in 'Shake-speared in the Park,' the second installment in her Bay Browning mystery series. A young man with much promise falls from a stage-prop balcony. He's dead when he lands, but that's not what killed him. Was his brother, the wayward son, involved? His best friend? Or one of the wealthy equestrian crowd? Then, another death, this time in a greenhouse. It's like 'Knives Out' meets Agatha Christie. Suspects abound. Two sisters—one a killer magnet, the other an ex-con—are determined to find out. The escalating tempo keeps readers on the edge of their seats until the end!"
~ Laurie Buchanan, author of the Sean McPherson crime thriller novels

"In this fast-paced mystery and nod to Shakespeare, the murderous shenanigans would please the Bard himself! Professor Bay Browning’s play rehearsals go awry with deadly weapons, poisons, and just about anything else a playwright might use to scare or 'off' someone in dramatic fashion. As in 'Romeo & Juliet,' differences of class and money between families put a small Wisconsin college and Bay in the crosshairs. Replete with a twisty costume party, this novel opens the curtain on an entertaining theater production with actors poised to take their final bow, pun intended. Ribar balances scenes effectively between amateur detectives Bay and her sister Cass, the latter a plant aficionado and former prison inmate. To borrow from the Bard, 'To read or not to read?' The answer is easy: This is fun."
~ Christine DeSmet, author, Fudge Shop Mystery Series and Mischief in Moonstone Series

Book Details:

Genre: Blended Mystery: Traditional Mystery with Paranormal Twists
Published by: Wine Glass Press
Publication Date: February 2025
Number of Pages: 359
ISBN: 9781959078272 (ISBN10: 1959078275)
Series: Bay Browning Mysteries: Book Two

Book Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | | Add to Goodreads

Read an Excerpt:

Carillon Tower Park was buzzing with activity when Bay arrived for rehearsal. Desmond Carver, the director, was only steps ahead of her, so she dashed to catch up. Bay smiled at his signature bobbing walk on those extra-long legs that might belong to a pro basketball player instead of a theater professor.

“Desmond, hey. Looks like the students are psyched about the show.” Bay nodded toward the outdoor theater area where a portable tech booth had been set up. People inside were testing spotlights and sound effects.

The stage was midway through set construction showing false stone walls and two framed second story balconies. Someone was sweeping the stage free of pine needles, while a couple of others were taping the floor where furniture would go. Bay waved at Jen Yoo, her art professor friend, who was painting a flat with some students.

“It’s a positive sign when they show up early. Believe me, once we’re in the trenches, some will find reasons not to show up at all.” Desmond set a stack of scripts on one of the seats near the middle of the theater. “Actors,” he said using air quotes around the word.

Bay’s optimism didn’t dwindle. She was pleased with the turnout for auditions, considering it was a summer production, meaning many students were gone or working. The fact she and Desmond had backups for the main roles revealed enthusiasm for the show.

Desmond handed her a theater badge and key for the rooms beyond the stage. “By the way, in case I forget later, thanks so much for volunteering to help with the play. It can be a thankless job.”

Bay grinned but wondered why Desmond was being so pessimistic. He wasn’t close to retirement, maybe ten years older than Bay, and she’d pegged him as carefree and upbeat. Then again, in the two years she’d been a Flourish professor, she’d had a handful of short conversations with him.

At seven p.m. on the dot, the clock tower bell rang out the hour and Desmond spoke through a megaphone he’d brought to rehearsal. “Let’s get going. We start on time. We end on time. That’s my number one rule.”

To Bay’s surprise, every student hushed without delay. She’d heard Desmond was respected, and he knew these students from past plays. Many were seniors doing a final postgraduation show before entering the real world.

“For the first few rehearsals, we’re going to need to work around the set builders and the tech crew setting up lights and testing sounds. This isn’t a typical show. Summer theater is a shortened schedule, so we’re putting an entire production together in short order.” Desmond handed printed schedules to Bay, who passed them out to the actors and crew.

It wasn’t quite June, thankfully, because performances were marked for the last week of that month, just past the celebration of Midsummer on June twenty-fourth.

“You’ll notice on the schedule that all lines must be memorized by June tenth. That’s two weeks, my friends. Let’s make it happen.” Desmond used his teacher voice. Even Bay snapped to attention.

“Places everyone. We’ll start with the prologue and go straight through from act one as far as we can until eight-thirty. The script notes some introductory music, but we won’t add that for a couple of weeks. Proceed, Kitt.”

Bay and Desmond watched from the back third of the theater, taking notes as lines were delivered, stopping when necessary to help with enunciation or cadence. At the end of the second act, Desmond announced a seven-minute break, then headed to the tech booth to talk about lighting.

Bay noticed he seemed nervous about the tech crew being run by an intern. His normal production partner, Leo, another theater professor, was spending summer break in New York City at a Broadway intensive master class. Leo recommended a theater grad student from Madison to take his place.

As lights flashed on and off in different positions, Bay watched the techies at the booth. Desmond pointed at the script as intern Evan made notes, then flashed the light Desmond asked for. Bay noticed Evan’s body posture: alert, attentive, like a golden retriever eager to please. In contrast, Desmond alternated running a hand through the twists on top of his head, placing his hands on his hips, then rubbing the back of his neck before repeating the moves again.

“That looks intense.” Jen Yoo was sitting by Bay, a clean paint brush in one hand.

“Hey, Jen. Yes, I’ve never seen this side of Desmond. How about you?”

Jen shrugged. “I haven’t worked on a summer production in some time. The younger Desmond was laid-back. But some of us lose our patience as we age. Thankfully, I don’t have that problem.” She snickered.

Bay turned her full attention to Jen. “Why are you working on this production, anyway?”

“Two reasons. One: It fulfills my volunteer hours for the whole year. Two: It’s a show you wrote. I’m proud of you and want to see how it turns out.” Jen leaned her head over to meet Bay’s.

With break wrapping up, chatter from the stage echoed around the quiet outdoors. When a commotion ensued, Bay chalked it up to high energy from a new show, the honeymoon period. But then a loud thud sounded, someone began shrieking, and a cacophony of shouts and running feet ensued.

Bay, Jen, and Desmond ran to the stage, with the tech crew close behind. The adults vaulted onto the stage where the lead actor, Talon Hunt, lay crumpled in a twisted heap.

“Everybody back up,” Desmond shouted.

“He fell off the balcony,” one of the students called out.

“I didn’t mean to. We were goofing around, practicing a duel.” Jackson Lange knelt over Talon, his chest heaving, his face distraught.

Desmond, Jen, and Bay knelt beside Talon too, and Jackson stood up and looked away. Desmond checked Talon’s pulse, shook his head, listened for a heartbeat, and shook his head again. Bay called 911.

“Let’s straighten him a bit so I can do CPR.” Desmond motioned for Jen and Bay to get on either side of his legs and they gingerly turned him.

Desmond was still administering chest compressions and breaths when the emergency team arrived to take over. Thirty minutes later, the EMTs pronounced Talon dead.


Excerpt from Shake-speared in the Park by Joy Ann Ribar. Copyright 2025 by Joy Ann Ribar. Reproduced with permission from Joy Ann Ribar. All rights reserved.



Meet the Author:

Joy Ann Ribar

Joy Ann Ribar is an RV author, writing on the road wherever her husband and their Winnebago View wanders. Joy’s cocktail of careers includes news reporter, paralegal, English educator, and aquaponics greenhouse technician, all of which prove useful in penning mysteries. Her cozy Deep Lakes Mysteries, feature baker/vintner Frankie Champagne, who moonlights as an investigative reporter. Joy’s Bay Browning Mysteries blend edgy, traditional, and paranormal elements twisted around classical literary themes. Joy loves to bake, read, research wines, and explore nature. Her writing has received awards and recognition from WWA, PenCraft Book Awards, Book Fest, Reader’s Favorite, and Chanticleer Cozy and Not-So-Cozy awards.

Catch Up With Joy Ann Ribar:
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BookBub - @ribarjoy
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Sunday, March 16, 2025

Vanishing Into the 100% Dark (Bean to Bar Mysteries) by Amber Royer ~ Cozy Mystery ~ @amber_royer


Vanishing Into the 100% Dark (Bean to Bar Mysteries) by Amber Royer

About Vanishing Into the 100% Dark:


Vanishing Into the 100% Dark (Bean to Bar Mysteries)

Cozy Mystery

8th in Series

Setting - Japan

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Golden Tip Press (March 4, 2025)

Print length ‏ : ‎ 324 pages

Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0DT2DW97B

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Bean to chocolate maker Felicity Koerber has been invited to be part of a chocolate festival in Tokyo. It’s a big deal for a Texas gal with a chocolate shop on Galveston’s historic Strand, so a whole group of her friends come along to support her. It’s intimidating enough to be giving a class on chocolate making with the help of a translator – she also stumbles across the scene of a murder, where a quirky group of international actors and stunt performers are making a monster movie. Felicity has already solved half a dozen murders back in Texas, so at this point her friends basically expect her to get involved – even before the young media influencer in Felicity’s group becomes the main suspect. Felicity has taken on the role of chaperone for Chloe, so she can’t imagine how she could explain what went wrong to the girl’s mother. Which gives her even more motivation to figure out the real killer.

In the meantime, things get complicated at the chocolate festival when a rival chocolate maker tries to get her disqualified from the awards competition – and claims that her amateur sleuth status is bringing undesirables into the festival. And things are even more complicated as the stress of being in an unfamiliar place brings out secrets about Felicity’s friends – and her fiancé.

About Amber Royer:

Amber Royer writes the Chocoverse comic telenovela-style foodie-inspired space opera series, and the Bean to Bar Mysteries. She also teaches creative writing and is an author coach. Her workbook/textbook Story Like a Journalist and her Thoughtful Journal series allow her to connect with writers. Amber and her husband live in the DFW Area, where you can often find them at local coffee shops or taking landscape/architecture/wildlife photographs. They both love to travel, and Amber records her adventures on Instagram – along with pics of her pair of tuxedo cats. If you are very nice to Amber, she might make you cupcakes. Chocolate cupcakes, of course! Amber blogs about creative writing technique and all things chocolate at

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March 4 – Jody's Bookish Haven – SPOTLIGHT
March 4 – Bigreadersite - REVIEW
March 5 – Ruff Drafts – AUTHOR GUEST POST
March 6 – Ascroft, eh? – AUTHOR INTERVIEW
March 7 – Christy's Cozy Corners – RECIPE
March 8 – Guatemala Paula Loves to Read – CHARACTER GUEST POST
March 9 – Maureen's Musings – SPOTLIGHT
March 10 – Books, Ramblings, and Tea – SPOTLIGHT
March 11 – Cozy Up With Kathy – CHARACTER GUEST POST
March 12 – Celticladys Reviews – RECIPE
March 13 – MJB Reviewers – SPOTLIGHT
March 13 – Frugal Freelancer CHARACTER INTERVIEW
March 14 – Baroness Book Trove – SPOTLIGHT
March 15 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – AUTHOR GUEST POST
March 16 – Sapphyria's Book Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
March 17 – Deal Sharing Aunt – AUTHOR INTERVIEW

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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Lost and Found Cowboy Jennie Marts (Lassiter Ranch, #4) ~ @JennieMarts @XpressoTours #ContemporaryRomance

Lost and Found Cowboy
Jennie Marts
(Lassiter Ranch, #4)
Publication date: March 11th 2025
Genres: Adult, Contemporary Romance

He came to find a family. He never expected to find love.

After meeting the three half-brothers he never knew existed, cowboy Mack Lassiter decides to stay and try to build a new life in the small Colorado mountain town of Woodland Hills. But he didn’t expect to find another family in Lorna Gibbs, the sweet single mom and local coffee shop owner, whose strength and warmth instantly captivated him.

Lorna’s not looking for love—her only focus is on giving her son and infant daughter the stable life they all deserve. The last thing she needs is a tall cowboy stirring up feelings she’s locked away for years. But Mack isn’t just any man—he’s steady, kind, and a little broken, just like her.

When her no-good ex suddenly returns and starts threatening her and the life she’s built, Mack steps in to play the role of devoted boyfriend. But as their charade deepens and the threat from Lorna’s ex intensifies, their fake relationship blurs into something real. And now they’ll have to decide if they can trust each other enough to build a family that’s anything but pretend.

She’s done with men. He doesn’t believe anyone stays. But a fake relationship might be just what they need to find something real…

**Each book in the Lassiter Ranch series can be read as a standalone—a boots-knockin’ hot cowboy HEA guaranteed in every one!**

The Lassiter Ranch Series
Save the Date For a Cowboy: Prequel Novella
Love at First Cowboy: Book 1
Overdue for a Cowboy: Book 2
Second Chance with a Cowboy: Book 3
Lost and Found Cowboy: Book 4

Readers will love this small town, western romance series filled with wounded cowboys, curvy wallflower heroines, second chances, friends to lovers, fake relationships, unrequited love, forced proximity, and grumpy versus sunshine.

**Want to see how the whole Lassiter Ranch series started–with a cute cowboy, a curvy accountant and one wild weekend at a wedding? Get SAVE THE DATE FOR A COWBOY, the prequel novella to the series for FREE when you sign up for Jennie’s newsletter at: **

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Read an Excerpt:

As Lorna and Mack are in the parking lot getting ready to go on their first fake date…

No, she was an adult. She just needed to pull up her big girl panties and face going out on a fake date with a hot cowboy on her own.

She twisted the strap of her purse around her fist as she peered around the parking lot, trying to see if she recognized any of the cars.

“You okay?” Mack asked, nodding to her knee, which had been shaking for the past five minutes. “You’re as fidgety as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.”

“Yes, I’m fine,” she said, pressing her foot into the floor of the truck to stop it from shaking. “It’s just that…well…I got married not long after high school, and this last year my focus has been on the kids…and it just feels a little pathetic that this is the first date I’ve been on in eight years, and it isn’t even real.” She wrapped the strap tighter until it suddenly gave way and snapped apart in her hands. “Oh shoot.”

Tears threatened as she stared down at the two torn pieces.

“Hey, now,” Mack said, sliding an arm around her shoulder and pulling her to him. “We don’t have to do this. The last thing I want is to think that going out on a date with me makes you cry.”

She shook her head against his shoulder and huffed out a small laugh. “It’s not you. You’re amazing…”

“And so damn hot, if I recall the words you used yesterday,” he said, obviously trying to tease a smile out of her.

She laughed again. “Yes, and so damn hot that any girl would be lucky to go out with you.” She blew out a breath. “It’s just been a long time. I haven’t really been out on a date since high school. I don’t remember how to even act.”

“I get it. All those months I was in Texas, I was working so hard, and only left the ranch a few times, so it’s been a dang long time since I’ve been out on a date, as well. But I can honestly say, you’re the only woman I’ve wanted to take on a date in years, even if it is a fake one.”

“That’s sweet, but I’m not sure that takes the pressure off.”

He chuckled. “There’s no pressure. And I’m serious, we don’t have to do this at all. If this makes you uncomfortable, I’m happy to take you home. We can pick up a pizza on the way.”

The idea of going home, putting on comfy pants, and scarfing down a pizza did sound appealing.

She lifted her chin. “No. I can do this. I’m just being silly. Lyle always said I tended to be overdramatic.”

Mack’s easy expression darkened. “First of all, you need to stop giving two shits about what Lyle said about anything. That guy is a fool and an idiot and a few other choice words that I probably shouldn’t say in front of a lady. You’re not being silly. Or overdramatic. You’re being honest. And real. And you have every right to feel whatever you’re feeling.”

“Thank you,” she whispered around the sudden lump in her throat. Apparently, there were still good men left in this world.

And if she could just get over herself, she could go out on a fake date with one of them.

Author Bio:

Jennie Marts is the USA TODAY Best-selling author of award-winning books filled with love, laughter, and always a happily ever after. Readers call her books “laugh out loud” funny and the “perfect mix of romance, humor, and steam.” Fic Central claimed one of her books was “the most fun I’ve had reading in years.”

She is living her own happily ever after in the mountains of Colorado with her husband, two dogs, and a parakeet who loves to tweet to the oldies. She’s addicted to Diet Coke, adores Cheetos, and believes you can’t have too many books, shoes, or friends.

Her books range from western romance to cozy mysteries but they all have the charm and appeal of quirky small town life. She loves genre-mashups like adding romance to her Page Turners cozy mysteries and creating the hockey-playing cowboys in the Cowboys of Creedence. The same small town community comes to life with more animal antics in her latest Creedence Horse Rescue series. And her sassy heroines and hunky heroes carry over in her heartwarming, feel good romances from Hallmark Publishing. Take the Honey and Run is her newest cozy mystery in the A Bee Keeping Mystery series.

Jennie loves to hear from readers. Follow her on Facebook at Jennie Marts Books, Twitter at @JennieMarts, and at jenniemartswriter on Instagram. Visit her at and sign up for her newsletter to keep up with the latest news and releases.

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#BookReview ~ Candlelight Dreams in Cosy Cove by Abbey Hicks ~ @AbbeyHicksBooks @rararesources #Romance #CharmingMeetCute #SweetRomance

Candlelight Dreams in Cosy Cove

About the Book:

Welcome to Cosy Cove, where love burns brighter than any candle!

Beth Williams thought her dreams had melted away after a devastating breakup, but she finds a flicker of hope at Harbour Lights, her artisan candle shop nestled in the heart of Cosy Cove. But just when Beth thinks she’s content with her quiet life, a ruggedly handsome stranger threatens to reignite her carefully guarded heart.

Enter Jacob Lawson, a charming journalist whose assignment in the quaint seaside town quickly becomes more than just another story. As Beth introduces him to the town’s hidden gems—from the bustling summer fair to sunset walks on the beach—Jacob finds himself captivated by more than the scenery.

But as their attraction simmers, both Beth and Jacob must confront their deepest fears. Can Beth trust her heart to love again? And will Jacob choose the comfort of Cosy Cove over the call of his career?

Join Beth and Jacob on a journey of second chances, sweet moments, and the kind of love that makes every day feel like a summer holiday. Will they find the courage to embrace a future together, or will their fears extinguish the flame before it truly ignites?

Get ready to fall head over heels for Cosy Cove, where every page promises a warm hug for your heart. Perfect for fans of seaside romances, charming small towns, and love stories that sparkle brighter than the sea at sunset!

My Review:

Candlelight Dreams in Cosy Cove is a sweet romance. I love Beth and Jacob. Separately they are each terrific in their own way, but together they are dynamic. Their attraction for each other is instant but their baggage, past and present, leads them on a slow-burn romantic path.

The author penned a wonderful story with likeable characters and a beautifully described setting. The matchmaking cafe owner was a nice touch. The description of the story drew me in but the author's writing style, character development, and world-building kept me engaged. This is an amazing novella-length story that is perfectly written.

I was provided with a copy of this book. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

My Rating:

Purchase on Amazon 

Meet the Author:

Abbey Hicks writes sweet, feel-good romance filled with dashing heroes, quirky heroines, and those heart-melting happily ever afters. Whether it’s contemporary romance or paranormal love stories, she brings her signature charm and a sprinkle of magic to every page.

Writing as Abbey MacMunn, her debut paranormal romance was shortlisted for the prestigious Joan Hessayon Award for new writers. Since then, Abbey has written many more books, including the bestselling steamy paranormal romcom series, Love Bites: A Dating Agency for Paranormals.

When she’s not dreaming up her next romantic hero, you’ll find her on walks with her mischievous but lovable labradoodle, Brody, or binge-watching anything from romcoms to fantasy/sci-fi. If it has romance, adventure, and a dash of humour, she’s there! 

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Double Crossed by Eliot Parker ~ @e4419 @RABTBookTours #RABTBookTours #DoubleCrossed #EliotParker #Thriller


Double Crossed by Eliot Parker


Date Published: September 10, 2024



About the Book:

Recovering from the emotional and physical damage of his last case, Ronan McCullough is trying to put his life back together. But when a federal agent's charred remains surface, linked to a professor's encrypted money laundering scheme, Ronan becomes embroiled in a high-stakes game of life and death with someone who is willing to kill everyone that knows anything about the encryption codes.

Ronan soon uncovers several dark secrets and learns that nobody is being honest with him, including the people he trusts the most. When the encryption codes are stolen and Ronan learns their real purpose, he finds himself in a race to stop a plan that will make it nearly impossible to stop the funding of dangerous crimes.

As the body count rises and secrets are unearthed, Ronan must navigate a web of deceit to uncover the truth. How will Ronan succeed when the main suspect is a set of numbers?

About the Author:

Eliot Parker is the author of five thriller novels and two collections of short stories. His latest thriller, DOUBLE CROSSED, won the American Writing Awards award for best mystery/thriller in 2024. His thriller A FINAL CALL was named a "Best Book to Discover of 2022" by Kirkus Magazine and a finalist for the Hawthorne Prize in Fiction. Eliot has won the West Virginia Literary Merit Award as well as the PenCraft and Feathered Quill Book Awards for his works and been a finalist for the SIBA Book Prize in 2016. He hosts the podcast program "Now, Appalachia," on the Authors on the Air Global radio network that profiles authors and publishers from the Appalachian region. He teaches writing at the University of Mississippi.

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Friday, March 14, 2025

Wages of Empire by Michael J. Cooper ~ @mjcoopmd @RABTBookTours #RABTBookTours #WagesofEmpire #MicahelJCooper #HistoricalFiction


Wages of Empire by Michael J. Cooper

Historical Fiction

Date Published: November 30, 2023


About the Book:

In the summer of 1914, 16-year-old Evan Sinclair leaves home to join the Great War for Civilization. Little does he know that, despite the war raging in Europe, the true source of conflict will emerge in Ottoman Palestine, since it's from Jerusalem where the German Kaiser dreams to rule as Holy Roman Emperor. Filled with such historical figures as Gertrude Bell, T.E. Lawrence, Winston Churchill, Faisal bin Hussein, Chaim Weizmann, and Achad Ha’am, “Wages of Empire” follows Evan through the killing fields of the Western Front where he will help turn the tide of a war that is just beginning, and become part of a story still being written.

Readers who enjoy Wages of Empire should know that the story continues with the sequel, Crossroads of Empire, the second book in this series.

About the Author:

Michael J. Cooper emigrated to Israel in 1966 and lived in Jerusalem during the last year the city was divided between Israel and Jordan. He graduated from Tel Aviv University Medical School, and after a forty-year career as a pediatric cardiologist in Northern California, he continues to do volunteer missions serving Palestinian children who lack access to care.

His historical fiction novels include Foxes in the Vineyard, set in 1948 Jerusalem, which won the 2011 Indie Publishing Contest grand prize and The Rabbi’s Knight, set in the Holy Land in 1290. Wages of Empire won the 2022 CIBA Rossetti Award for YA fiction along with first-place honors for the 2022 CIBA Hemingway award for wartime historical fiction.

He lives in Northern California with his wife and a spoiled-rotten cat. Three adult children occasionally drop by.


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Selena Flowers and the Phantom Tides by Ella English ~ @AuthorElla1 @RABTBookTours #RABTBookTours #SelenaFlowers #PhantomTides #EllaEnglish #YAFantasy

The Merblood Saga, Book 2


Selena Flowers and the Phantom Tides by Ella English

YA Fantasy

Date Published: 02-25-2025

Publisher: Spider Web Press



About the Book:

Something strange is going down in the sleepy seaside village of Madderly Bay. Best friends Selena and Chloe are stuck in the most boring summer ever—until food starts coming to life and running wild in the streets.

But that’s just the beginning. Earthquakes start shaking the village, and creepy claw marks show up, hinting at something dark stirring beneath the waves. Only Selena and Chloe know the real story about the zombie mermaids they faced before—and now they’re worried the threat they thought was gone might be back.

As the tremors get worse and the water turns a scary green, the girls have to figure out what’s awakening in the depths before it’s too late. With their friend Zelda and her magical squid, Glowella, by their side, they’ll risk everything to save both the human and magical worlds from a danger that could destroy them all.

In this thrilling adventure, Selena and her friends have to face their fears and dig up some serious secrets between the human and magical worlds. With their village and the ocean in danger, the stakes couldn’t be higher. Can they figure out what’s messing with the sea before it’s too late? Or will they realize that saving their town—and both worlds—might be way harder than they thought?

About the Author:

Ella English grew up in the heart of London, where the hustle and bustle of city life met summer adventures at her grandma’s house on the Kent coast. Exploring tide pools and collecting seashells, she developed a love for the ocean and a knack for creating imaginative worlds that she now brings to life through her writing.

Now living in Baltimore, Maryland, Ella is the author of The Merblood Saga, a dark fantasy YA series that plunges readers into a haunting underwater realm filled with cursed mermaids, ancient magic, and buried secrets. The first book, Selena Flowers and the Cursed Ruby, has been a hit with young readers, drawing them into its mysterious and dangerous world.

Ella also writes and illustrates Kitty in the City, a whimsical series about a singing cat named Katy who takes New York City by storm. The latest installment, Katy in Central Park, will be released in June 2025.

When she’s not weaving dark magic or drawing cats, Ella is kept busy by her two mischievous felines who make sure she stays entertained and grounded. Follow her adventures (and plenty of cat cameos) on Instagram @EllaEnglishAuthor or visit for more.


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The General’s Princess by Caryn Hacker-Buechel ~ @RABTBookTours #RABTBookTours #TheGeneralsPrincess #CarynHackerBuechel #Romance


The General’s Princess 

by Caryn Hacker-Buechel 

Military Romance

Date Published: January 23, 2025

Publisher: MindStir Media


About the Book:

Cara is almost fifty, and nearly penniless. She needs a fresh start and when a unique job falls in her lap, she moves to Saudi Arabia to work for the royal family, never dreaming the change would quickly spiral into a nightmare. Cara is alone and powerless, trapped in the crosshairs of a human trafficking ring.

Meanwhile, the kidnapping of a young, American female triggers a risky military rescue with General Sam Kennedy leading the Special Forces team into Riyadh, throwing Cara and Sam into the same chaos. Cara is now enmeshed in the spinning wheels of this deadly conflict, managed from the White House Situation Room, and exploding in real time within the opulent Royal palace.

Unravel the threads of survival, courage, and unexpected love in this gripping tale of resilience against the odds.

About the Author:

Caryn Hacker-Buechel keeps her computer nearby, often writing in coffee shops, on beaches, and in her own Naples, Florida, backyard. After thirty years as a master-degreed psychotherapist and relationship expert in the public and private sector, she finally retired and turned her attention to completing the novel she had worked on for ten years.

The General's Princess is her debut novel and second book. The award-winning first book, A Bully Grows Up: Erik Meets the Wizard, was written for children. In both, Caryn creates characters rich in dramatic, realistic traits, portraying psychological and behavioral depth, utilizing the knowledge she gained as an observer of human behavior and emotional trauma. The concepts will touch your life.

Her journey through love, marriage, children, divorce, travel, stepchildren, and grandchildren is reflected in her writing. The adventure can be intense but also emotionally healing. She hopes you enjoy the ride.

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Thursday, March 13, 2025

Cover Reveal ~ The Business of Medicine by Tung Giep M.D. ~ @RABTBookTours #RABTBookTours #TheBusinessofMedicine #DrTungGiep #Nonfiction



The Definitive Guide to Help New Physicians Start Their Career on the Right Path and Avoid Costly Mistakes

The Business of Medicine by Tung Giep M.D.

Non-Fiction (Medical, Memoir)

Date Published: March 18, 2025

Publisher: Elite Online Publishing


What every new physician needs to know now . . . and every practicing doctor wishes they had known.

The truth behind The Business of Medicine.


You’re at the end of a long journey that has brought you from a fledgling medical student with nothing but dreams and desire, through one of the most arduous courses of study known to mankind, to a place of relief, and . . . well, fear. As you begin this new chapter in your life, you will soon discover that your studies have made you book-smart. But sadly, you haven’t been exposed to the real world or the business side of medicine . . . until now.

In The Business of Medicine, Dr. Tung Giep lifts the veil of the healthcare industry to expose the underbelly that every new doctor needs to know to join a new practice and begin your career.


•         Are you clear on your career goals and career path?

•         What are the different malpractice insurances?

•         What are your employment options?

•         What questions should you ask during a job interview?

•         How do you assess the best compensation package?

•         What red flags should you look for before signing a contract?

•         How do you get in and out of a contract if needed . . . or can you?

•         How do you negotiate your contract?

Packed with wisdom, guidance, and a healthy dose of humor, this book is the definitive guide to help new physicians navigate the complex landscape of the medical profession and emerge with far fewer bumps and bruises than they would otherwise.

Dr. Tung Giep is a practicing neonatologist who has excelled in his specialty for more than thirty years. His background includes board certification in pediatrics and neonatal-perinatal medicine and over twenty-five years as a medical director in community hospitals. Dr. Giep founded and served as president of Newborn Intensive Care Specialists (NICS) for seventeen years, where he and his staff provided hospitals with 24/7 neonatology, pediatric hospitalists, and Maternal Fetal Medicine programs. In 2017, the company was sold to a national company.

His backstory as a refugee from Vietnam and eldest of four sons—all of whom followed in the footsteps of their physician father—is the story of a kid who, by no effort of his own, found himself in a family of physicians and a country of opportunity. He took that foundation and made his way in a profession that exposed him to the best and the worst of humanity. Here, he shares what he learned in hopes that his experiences will help others avoid some of the same mistakes and build a career—and possibly a business—to be proud of.

About the Author:

 The son of a physician and the eldest of four boys who all grew up to become doctors, Dr. Tung Giep knew early on what his career path would look like. He always wanted to make a difference in the lives of patients and to help shape the future of the healthcare system. The experience of emigrating from Vietnam to the US after the Vietnam War strengthened his resolve and built a resilience that he has carried throughout his life and career.

Dr. Giep is a graduate of Wofford College in Spartanburg, SC. He received his medical degree and completed residency at The Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), then went on to complete his fellowship at Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, MO. His background includes board certification in pediatrics and neonatal-perinatal medicine, a fellow with the American Academy of Pediatrics, and over twenty-five years serving as a medical director within community hospitals. He founded and served as the president of NICS, providing hospitals with 24/7 Level-2 and Level-3 NICU and pediatric hospitalist programs for seventeen years before the company was sold to a national company in 2017.

Throughout his career, he successfully developed and scaled neonatal programs from the ground up, providing innovative and quality-focused patient care and resulting in profitability and streamlined processes. Under his leadership, several underperforming nurseries have been transformed into high-performing and top producing units within a short turnaround time. Additionally, he has led the initiative to implement an innovative telemedicine program via Teledoc that provides clinicians 24/7 access to neonatologists, helping to avoid unnecessary transfers and provide more comprehensive care.

He is the Medical Director of Community Hospital Level-2 Nurseries for a Children’s Hospital-affiliated hospital, where he manages the development of the Neonatal Telemedicine Program. He credits much of his success to a diverse background that includes clinical, business, and financial expertise, along with his innate ability to cultivate meaningful relationships with both internal and external stakeholders. His focus on a collaborative and integrated approach to creating a seamless and best-in-class healthcare experience for all—with the patient and the families at the forefront—has been at the core of his entire career as a healthcare provider.

Dr. Giep lives in Houston, TX with his wife, Michelle and sons Sebastian and Benjamin, and enjoys travel, cooking, and keeping up with the latest technology developments in the medical field. He insists that writing this book has been one of the hardest things he has ever done in life.

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