Friday, September 1, 2023

New Book Release & #Excerpt ~ The Demons of Montmartre by Laurence Raphael Brothers (Nora Simeon Investigations, Book 4) ~ @lbrothers @MirrorWorldPub #UrbanFantasy #UF

Mirror World Publishing and Sapphyria's Book Promotions present the 1-week virtual book tour for  The Demons of Montmartre by Laurence Raphael Brothers, book four in the Nora Simeon Investigations series.

About the Book:

Private Investigator Nora Simeon and her partner Eyre work for the Commission, the secret organization that regulates the summoning of demons in the financial industry. It’s the Commission’s job to suppress all public knowledge of sorcery. So when a mysterious letter from a person who calls themselves l’Invocateur threatens to expose the secret to the world, it’s Nora’s job to track him down.

In search of L’Invocateur, Nora and Eyre are off to Paris, but before they go, Madame Villiers, Nora’s mother and one of the Commission leaders in New York, reveals that Nora’s father may be in danger.

Nora has never known her father, a man named Simeon who disappeared when she was an infant. Spurred by her mother’s warning, Nora hunts both her father and l’Invocateur in France. From the elegant halls of the Société Générale to the altar of the Sacré-Cœur, Nora and Eyre find the threads of their search coming together in The Demons of Montmartre.

Follow the Tour:

Read an Excerpt:

Eyre and I stood on the taxiway in front of the hangar alongside the instructor, a tall black woman in her fifties wearing the school’s flight jacket. We’d made it to the little Republic Airport on Long Island just in time for Martha’s first solo flight. All three of us were craning our necks as we gazed up at the Cessna buzzing in the clear blue sky above our heads. Having performed a few circuits of the airfield, the small white propeller plane descended for its landing.

“Here she comes,” said the instructor.

The plane touched down on all three wheels simultaneously without even the faintest screech of tires, and after rolling a hundred yards turned off the runway to come to a stop on the tarmac.

“Exquisite,” she continued. “As expected. She’ll be done with the post-landing checklist soon.”

The plane resumed taxiing moments later, and after another minute cruised slowly past us into the hangar.

We followed the instructor inside where Martha was already getting out of the cockpit. My ward was dashing today in a black windbreaker over a button-up shirt with snug black faux-leather pants and elegant calf-high boots that looked like they might have been worn by Star Trek crew members. The jet-black hair she’d developed recently was styled in a pixie cut, and perhaps as a gesture to her original rat-person appearance she’d given herself just the slightest hint of an underbite jaw. She plucked off a pair of gold-tinted aviators and beamed at us for a moment before turning back to the plane.

The instructor stood back, holding us back too, while Martha clamped the plane down and checked the exterior for problems. When she was done, the instructor approached her with one hand extended and the other holding a set of shears. Smiling broadly, Martha shook hands, and then turned her back to reveal that the white dress shirt she was wearing had two tails dangling over her trousers; one was the end of the shirt, the other was a long, curling rat tail drawn on it with a sharpie below her name, Martha Villiers, the date, and the plane’s registration number. The instructor cut the length of cloth off with her shears, draped the cloth over one arm, and thrust the shears back into her belt, then waited for Martha to turn back around.

“Congratulations on soloing! I know how much this means to you,” said the instructor. “Next time, you’ll find your tail up on the wall beside the school’s other soloists. Just for the record, the whole flight was absolutely perfect, and your landing was superb.”

“Thank you,” said Martha, a bit unsteadily; I think she wanted to say something more, but her voice was so full of emotion she had to clamp down to avoid embarrassment. She handed over her logbook to be signed, and the instructor murmured a few words in her ear before departing, giving us a cheerful salute on her way out.

Martha was almost vibrating as she approached Eyre and me, as wired and happy as I’ve ever seen anyone in my whole life. I almost teared up to see it, but there was a certain shininess to her eyes that suggested that Martha might be feeling the same way. So instead of saying anything sappy and embarrassing us both, I just hugged her as tightly as I could for a long moment before passing her onto Eyre for the same treatment.

Purchase Links:

Mirror World Publishing: 


Meet the Author:

Laurence Raphael Brothers is a writer and a technologist. He has published over 25 short stories in such magazines as Nature, the New Haven Review, PodCastle, and Galaxy's Edge. His WWI-era historical fantasy novel Twilight Patrol was just released by Alban Lake. For more of his stories, visit, or follow him on twitter: @lbrothers.

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