Monday, April 11, 2022

Still in Need of Hosts ~ 1-Week Book Tour for Lands of Jade: Crimson Winter, Vol. 2 by Justine Alley Dowsett - Young Adult, SciFi, Fantasy, Adventure - (April 17-22, 2022) @MirrorWorldPub #YA #SciFi #Fantasy

Darkness falls…so I can… see the light of day again 

Mirror World Publishing and Sapphyria's Book Promotions present the 1-week book for Lands of Jade: Crimson Winter, Vol. 2 by Justine Alley Dowsett.

About  Lands of Jade:

Darkness falls...

For the first time in eight hundred years, the sun sets on the desert world of Crimson Winter, throwing the planet into unexpected darkness and further chaos. And with the setting of the sun comes the unexpected rise of hordes of undead creatures from the endless Sand Lakes. I can...

Yukari Namikoya, Japanese high school student turned Chosen of Sapphiros, must rise to the occasion and use the powers she has been given to try and protect those she's come to love against overwhelming odds.

...see the light of day again.

But when each night lasts a little longer, Yukari soon realizes that their days might be numbered and a sinister force beyond even the menace of the Vile Emperor might be behind the terrors that are besieging the planet during such a desperate time. The worst part is that Yukari doesn't know if her powers, or even the combined forces of her allies will be enough to protect the Kingdom of Taiyou, let alone the whole world.

I don't require top or only post of the day for any of my tours.  Materials will include a standard post, an HTML, and a post for Instagram. You also don't need to have a blog/website to participate. I accept posts on all social media platforms.

Genres:  Young Adult, SciFi, Fantasy, Adventure 

Page Count: Approximately 434

Thank you for signing up to host during the book tour.

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